Gluten- free precooked rice pasta enriched with legumes flours: Physical properties, texture, sensory attributes and micro- structure. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 75, 569-577.BOUASLA A,WOJTOWICZ A,ZIDOUNE M N.Gluten-freeprecooked rice pasta enriched with legumes flours:physical properties...
When our starters eventually arrived (45 mins after our order) the gluten free option had non gluten free bread on it! This was very annoying as I had contacted the restaurant several days earlier to check they could accommodate a coeliac diet, which they assured me they could! ...
Gluten-free precooked rice pasta enriched with legumes flours: Physical properties, texture, sensory attributes and microstructure. LWT - Food Sci Technol. 2016; 75: 569-577. DOI: lwt.2016.10.005.Bouasla A., Wojtowicz A., Zidoune M.N., Gluten-free precooked ...
non‐gluten floursregression modelsurface responseSummary Extruded whole grain flours of corn, sorghum, and parboiled brown rice (PBR) and their blends were used to produce gluten‐free (GF) multigrain bread. To determine the functionality of the flours, paste viscosity, farinography and oscillatory...
DEVELOPMENT OF TECHNOLOGY IN THE PRODUCTION OF PASTA GLUTEN FREE, PRE-COOKED SPAGHETTIPasta techn o l o gy w ithout gluten was de v elo p ed in pilot scale . The ide a l param e ters we r e 4 m i n u te s pr e - co o ki ng time - qui c k drying at 80 2 C and ...
LC-ESI-MS/MS Analysis and Extraction Method of Phenolic Acids from Gluten-Free Precooked Buckwheat PastaFagopyrum esculentum MöenchPrecooked buckwheat pastaUltrasound-assisted extractionPhenolic acidsHigh-performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry...
Chickpea flour, which is produced in various forms, has high protein and fiber content; therefore, it can be a good ingredient for gluten-free cookies. The objective of this study was to investigate and compare the properties of cookies formulated using raw (RCF), cooked (CCF), and germinat...
FLOURRHEOLOGYChickpea flour, which is produced in various forms, has high protein and fiber content; therefore, it can be a good ingredient for gluten-free cookies. The objective of this study was to investigate and compare the properties of cookies formulated using raw (RCF), cooked (CCF),...