“[W]e’re writing the next chapter in the great American story — a story of progress andresilience. When world leaders ask me to define America…I define it in oneword…Possibilities.”—President Biden, 2023 State of the Union“The future of America’s success in the world depends upon...
In each of these sections, DeBona reflects on the prayers from the liturgy, for example the Collect or Preface. He shows how the themes for the Mass of the day are present not just in the readings, but also in the liturgical ... Jacob Runyon - 《Antiphon A Journal for Liturgical Renew...
Byline: Colm KEYS Chief GAA WriterThe Mirror (London, England)
Help us to follow in Jesus’s example. Remind us that prayer is one of our greatest weapons and through continual prayer, praying for our enemies, you will begin to soften our hearts and give us the strength to forgive them. (Alisha Headley) ...
But Goddoeshonor the prayers of the upright over those of the backslidden. James teaches us: "The prayer of arighteous manis powerful and effective" (James 5:16b). The Bottom Line What do I learn from Hezekiah's example of a prayer that God will answer? God's heart is open to the...
But God says that if we lean on him and not our own understanding, he will make our paths straight (Proverbs 3:5-6). Pray for the child in your life to be guided by the Lord. Father, you are so faithful to guide us, even when we don’t know what to do next. God, please gu...
the Muslims communities. I pray that the lord will send more laborers to join us in this work as we strive to teach the children the word of the lord. Pray that the children will accept the lord Jesus as their saviour. More than 100 villages in the communities have no church pray that...
Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of the faithful and kindle in them the fire of Your love. L: Send forth Your Spirit and they shall be created R: And you shall renew the face of the earth Let us Pray. O God, Who did teach the hearts of the faithful by the light of the Holy...
They led me to You, and they taught me how to live my life as Your faithful follower. Without them, I would not be as loved, supported, and cared for as I am today. Please grant them Your grace, for everyday we learn from You, regardless of our age. May my parents find the ...
” This kind of fellowship demonstrates a foretaste of heaven and is a positive example to those that still need to develop a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. It is a blessing that if I have inward unity of purpose with a person or group, it will manifest itself in many places ...