As we celebrate All Saints Day and pray for the faithful departed, the two of us wanted to do something special for you and your family. If you’ve been praying with us for a few years, you know that we like to do this every year :) This is our gift for you: We are having ...
I took you from the ends of the earth, from its farthest corners I called you. I said, ‘You are my servant’; I have chosen you and have not rejected you. So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I ...
These examples of Christian healing prayers demonstrate the diversity of situations and needs that individuals may bring to God in faith, seeking His healing and guidance in various aspects of life. They reflect the belief that prayer can bring comfort, strength, and healing to those who trust in...
You will be faithful to complete the good work You’ve started, and as I step out into my day, I declare Your sovereignty over every area of my life. I entrust myself to You and ask that You use me however You see fit. This day is Yours. My body is Yours. My mind is Yours....
Talk about a prayer meeting! Still, they were huddled, in hiding. These disciples were being faithful, as best as they could. When, on Pentecost morning, a God-sent happening occurred. But, you don’t need to take my word for it!
Learn the benefits of praying at night and find great examples of bedtime and evening prayers that are perfect for ending your day with gratitude and peace.
God opened my eyes to see that having joy in spite of grief and pain is possible because He is the source of all joy — not anything else. There are lots of examples in the Bible of God’s people going through trials of many kinds yet living in the joy of God. ...
Biblical examples seem to indicate that God is not pleased with all forms of complaint; and 2) Exactly what does the believer risk by offering a lament? Harrington argues that during times of suffering it is praise, not protest, that connects the faithful with their God....
One of the great blessings of being a follower of Jesus is to know that right now He is interceding for His people before the Father (Roman 8:34; Hebrews 7:25). While we do not know exactly what Jesus says to the Father, we do have examples of many of Jesus’ prayers from the ...
Send forth your Spirit and they shall be created And you shall renew the face of the earth. O God, who has taught the hearts of the faithful by the light of the Holy Spirit, grant that by the gift of the same Spirit we may be always truly wise and ever rejoice in his consolation....