Keep in mind that the Blessed Mother, the angels and the saints neverreplace our Lord as the focus of our worship. Nor would they ever want to! God in His goodness has given them to us as wonderful and powerful intercessors to pray for us, as we pray for each other, on the road to...
I called February 2009 and have been calling for 10 years. Many intercessors from all over the USA and world have prayed for me and my family. The intercessors have prayed me through the night. The intercessors help me restore my hope in the power of prayer. It has been 10 years and ...
Prayer Requests Community:Get Acess to a Community of Intercessors Who Can Pray for You and Where You can Also Pray for Others. (Priceless!) Order Your Copy of the BOOK Now * Remember to Get Bonus Downloads After you purchase your book, get the receipt info, then go to Prayersthatmovehe...