Intercessory prayer also teaches ushumilityand encourages us to focus more on the needs of others rather than ourselves. It is a powerful way to support our loved ones and the world around us. Additionally,God responds to intercessory prayer. When we pray for others, God is likely to answer ...
Maria Morera Johnson discusses the power of praying with—and for—others, and shares strategies for keeping track of prayer intentions. The powerful graces from intercessory prayer bless me every day. I have a tight-knit group of friends who are champion prayer warriors, women (and men!) who...
Prayer, especially prayer for others, is a very important feature of the Apostolic Church in the first century or the early church. Having served in a city church in Northeast China for many years, Pastor Li Tao stressed that the church and believers in the Apostolic times placed great import...
In spite of the controversial nature of the practice, studies indicate that most practitioners pray for their clients (Canda & Furman, 1999; Murdock, 2004). The widespread use of intercessory prayer in clinical settings implicitly raises questions about the effectiveness of prayer as an intervention...
In these three verses, God the Father is giving all of us an incredible and powerful prayer secret – and that secret is the power of intercessory prayer and how He can be dramatically moved to answer prayer if someone is willing to go into the gap for another person to pray for whatever...
ContextIntercessory prayer (praying for others) has been a common response to sickness for millennia, but it has received little scientific attention. The
Rom. 15:30 – Paul commands the family of God to pray for him. If we are united together in the one body of Christ, we can help each other. 2 Cor. 1:11 – Paul even suggests that the more prayers and the more people who pray, the merrier! Prayer is even more effective when un...
“Prayer is a command of God, and is to be practiced both in public and in private; yes, such a command brings those that have the spirit of prayer, into great intimacy with God; and the prevailing prayer, will receive great things from God, both for the person that prayed, and for...
often with the intercessor's eyes open to observe results. The intercessor typically uses “soft tones” to pray. He/she may use different types of prayer, for example, to “petition God to heal, invite the Holy Spirit's anointing, and/or command the healing and departure of any evil spi...
The analysis employs the ap Sin Analytic Framework for Intercessory Prayer (apSAFIP), which distinguishes among prayer intention, prayer reference, and prayer objective. The results of the analysis are compared with the results from recent cathedral studies employing the same analytic tool, and it ...