Recently our church’s small group leaders met to think about improving prayer in the life of our groups. I thought I’d share the ideas we came up with since they’ll be good for group leaders and helpful for group members as well. Firstly, though—‘improving’ prayer is not really a...
To put it simply, Paul says that spiritual warfare prayer means that we have to pray for things! I know that seems obvious to us, and that it shouldn’t need to be said, but sadly, it does need to be stated. I think that too many of us have wrong and false ideas about prayer....
(The activity on our Facebook group this week has reflected that excitement: multiple posts per day, questions, request for and offers of support. It’s been really beautiful to witness. I feel so grateful for this burgeoning community – and just a little proud.) After our conference formal...
Happy Thanksgiving Prayer:Thanksgiving falls on the fourth Thursday of November. This year that falls on Thursday, November 24. The celebration of Thanksgiving is, in general, a feast to give thanks for the fruits of the previous harvest. A Thanksgiving prayer brings to mind a festive table ...
We’ve been using the app for our small group for about a month now and we all love that we can easily message and pray for each other without having a group text. However the app has been super glitchy. I just had to delete and re-download and found out the prayer request I adde...
“meaning,” with which we stab and poke each other. Words, mere symbols, which only point toward reality or ideas or emotions, become swords of power to weld against the powerless and attempt to force our view on others. We build idols of abstract constructs and tottering paradigms of ...
It refers to a combination of ideas, a boldness that persists over time, or “audacity,” which comes close. It most likely describes the one making the request, since the unit’s teaching is an exhortation about persistence in prayer. Some translate the term “shamelessness” which is the...
expressed great joy and said to the other son,"For this thy brother was dead, and is alive again; and was lost, and is found"(Luke 15:32). No attempt will be made to discuss this vast subject in general, but in connection with the ideas inspired by the Lord's P...
I love to bake and I don’t deny myself from enjoying sweets in moderation. I know some people prefer to avoid sweets all together but for me, savoring even just a small portion is very satisfying. That is why dieting desserts like the Jello parfait is so helpful. It is so low in ...
It was viewed as a compromise between old and new ideas and was in places diplomatically ambiguous in its implied teaching; it aroused opposition from both conservatives and the more extreme reformers. The latter prevailed, and in 1552 The Second Prayer Book of Edward VI was introduced. The ...