Recently our church’s small group leaders met to think about improving prayer in the life of our groups. I thought I’d share the ideas we came up with since they’ll be good for group leaders and helpful for group members as well. Firstly, though—‘improving’ prayer is not really a...
!”) and we all scurried around to get the food ready. Soon enough we were settled at one of four tables, where we participated in small-group discussions with ladies who blog on topics similar to our own. I’d assigned the groups in advance and asked each attendee...
We’ve been using the app for our small group for about a month now and we all love that we can easily message and pray for each other without having a group text. However the app has been super glitchy. I just had to delete and re-download and found out the prayer request I adde...
The practice of prayer has been shown to predict various mental health outcomes, with different types of prayer accounting for different outcomes. Considering the numerous stressors facing seminary students, which have only intensified throughout the COV
the group that has been mobilizing prayer on the National Day of Prayer since the 1980s and the world’s No. 1 Christian app for daily prayer hope to mobilize an unprecedented number of participants for this historic observance around the 2022 theme to “Exalt the Lord Who Has Established Us...
(humanitarian, inclusivity-diversity, awareness days / weeks / months, bank holidays etc.), and dates of Oxford interfaith events (i.e. that include two or more faith groups). From January to May 2024, I was part of a small cohort of participants in the new ‘LGBTQ+ Allies for the ...
Last October, God and I had some fun. Together we came up with a word to pray over each week of this year. I’m amazed at how God has met my needs through those words. For example, when my cancer surgery was postponed due to a blood clot in my leg, my word was JOY. I know...
“Our influences are wide and varied, being a group of music obsessives, so there is a lot of different stuff thrown in the mix, loosely; psychedelia, post punk, indie and garage rock.” TMODM:What had the strongest influence on Pieces Missing?
Among the various trespasses and faults that separate man from God, it is possible to recognize two general groups, the ones that point to the weaknesses of man and others that point to proud, self-satisfied power of evil. The latter group is much more serious and dangerous...
It included a few small but significant changes, which allowed for belief in the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist and removed from the litany an offensive prayer against the pope. The Puritans were not satisfied, however, and, on the accession of James I, renewed demands for change ...