While prayer did not make my husband not have to have his colon removed, nor did it prevent the THREE bouts of hospitalized pneumonia he went thru – it calmed my soul in ways that I could never imagine. What is even more sweet is learning all of the people who were praying that I d...
Khaleel Jooste
I choose to see how suddenly miracles tend to happen and how quickly healing can take place. I choose to acknowledge that magical season with Jocelyn and the deep relationship we have with Jessica now, and her sweet husband Alex. Day after day, all these years, even in the darkest...
and I can't even begin to explain the difference they made; besides helping me along some very difficult times, they were also the only thing that made therapy actually "work" for me; I always bring them in as a starting point for my sessions, as ...
Naomi returned to the land of Judah after the famine there had ended. It was 10 years later. She came back a woman who had lost her husband and both sons while living in Moab. Naomi said on her return that she should no longer be called Naomi (meaning pleasant) but Mara (bitter, so...
Husband Love Wife Love Husband Come Back Wife Come Back Bad husband Agree parents for love marriage Create love and attraction Control over lover Make someone obey you Bad wife Soften heart Create love Bring Ex back Lost love back Get love to marry ...
their Creator-God and just how muchHe longed to dwell with them.I wonder if they looked out at the glow of that unquenchable FIRE which housed a BEING who had no beginning and will have no end and felt a fire burn within them ~ an irresistible desire to know the One who longs to ...
I’m not saying a person is never allowed to vent about their divorce. But if you complain over and over again about the same things—my husband (or wife) left me, he/she is so happy with his new wife/husband, she’s pregnant, I’m alone and he/she is happy, there’s no justi...
Other men of God, once mighty, have lost their power because they did not learn this secret, and allowed increasing work to crowd out prayer. Years ago it was the writer's privilege, with other theological students, to ask questions of one of the most useful Christian men of the day. ...
What of that? Even if it were 100 percent understandable for people to better honor the tragedies of those who look like them, would the difference be morally acceptable? I don’t think so. Now, I don’t think it’s realistic to expect people to stop living their lives every time news...