God will protect my child. Also, prayers for my wife, Mary and our baby in-the-womb as she is due at any moment this month with our baby Ezekiel. I am very grateful and blessed and full of joy about these two things, and it is all complicated by my injury. Please, pray for me...
Dua for wife Dua for husband and wife Dua for money Dua for jinn Dua to become rich Dua for marriage Dua to get married Dua for marriage proposal Dua for love marriage Dua to convince Dua for wealth Dua for luck Dua for lost love ...
Sophie was brought in and laid against Sue, who was unconscious. Sophie, a model of good behavior, was permitted to snuggle for quite a while. After the visit, and for the first time, things began to turn around for Sue in a positive way. She began to show improvements. Being reunited...
If you are looking to expand your Prayer Circle – here are some suggestions on who to pray for. I want to preface this with something that I reluctantly learned. Praying for your enemies or those people who you just don’t like or rub you the wrong way – those are the people you n...
But May seems to be anexcellent monthfor those of us grieving, for however long that lasts and to whatever degree of pain, our husband or wife. Here are just some of the days May blesses us with: National Prayer Day, Mother’s Day, Memorial Day. Why doesn’t anyone mention World Laug...
> Salvation, leadership, and wisdom for the president and for all governmental officials who run this country and all other countries.Now, Lord, we pray for three people who have sent in prayer requests:Name: Jaya Please save her husbandName: Bhima Please bless him with the support he needs...
This year I decided to be more purposeful about finding a husband. I know the bible says, “He who finds a good wife findeth a good thing,” but I figured all the Christian men in Houston are lost. Maybe I should do the finding. So, I joined 3 different dating sites and it’s be...
In just a few minutes of cuddling, we burned through so many years of other people’s lies and abuses. I had time to correct my mistakes. We simmered in a chance to reclaim what was lost, and even more. Not just years but also memories, plans for the future, everything. ...
Who else can you pray for today? Related:5 Powerful Prayers Every Wife Should Pray Over Her Husband 5. Prayers for Those Suffering and in Need Defend the weak and the fatherless; uphold the cause of the poor and the oppressed. Rescue the weak and the needy; deliver them from the hand ...
Prayer Request:Hello Please pray for Janine. She is a pastors wife. She just found out that she has stage 4 thyroid cancer that has spread to her lungs. Her and her husbandGary are faithfully and successfully serving the Lord. He is the pastor of Christian Fellowship church in Pomona Cali...