It was trying to intimidate me to back off….but then more than ever i began moving in on it saying all the more….. I DONT BELIEVE YOUR SYMPTOMS, I BELIEVE GODS WORD and kept saying it, with all my heart, when suddenly the chest pain and the depression/anxiety both completely ...
The descriptions of plugins and themes above is rather simplistic, and, in the purest sense, may be true; however, it’s almost impossible to find a plugin that doesn’t in some way HAVE to provide graphic elements such as CSS for layout of some of the functionality that it provides or ...
for me for a miracle I have high blood pressure I have high cholesterol I have slight diabetic me and my family had heart rumor please pray I have a lot of pain in my knees I have severe arthritis in my in my knees I can't barely walk it's so painful I just pray that I ...
results back to him as the lab did an additional test that would take a day or two. So, my appointment was set for the following week. Meanwhile, my cough had gotten worse. I held the right side of my chest tightly when I coughed to lessen the sharp pain I felt in the biopsy ...
That is carved deep in my memory. I knew immediately I had caused deeper pain; I had absolutely done the wrong thing. I wrote her a letter of apology, asking for forgiveness. Though I had not suffered depression and didn’t understand at all what it was like, I apparently assumed (...
for our salvation, Mt 16:24 (necessary suffering), and the false Cross, which is a simple captivity and oppression of the children. of God., LUC 4:18 (unnecessary suffering).God never wishes evil and pain for us at any time in our lives.Evil and pain are interruptions of God's plan...
If you want your request to be viewed publicly, put your prayer request in the comment box below. If your request is private and you don't want the world to see it, you can e-mail me with your request at I will pray for each a
(And, in the midst of the pain, life marches on and we still have 1 daughter and 3 sons at home, needing our attention, prayers, counsel and love in the midst of their own struggle to accept many of these painful new realities.) In many ways my husband Darwin and I are carefully ...
I’m so grateful for him. But it’s just a hard adjustment. I’m also in a lot of pain. My c-section incision had still not closed as of a week ago (11 weeks post-op); I’m not sure how it’s doing today. My doctor also told me I have a sprained ligament in my pelvis,...