“Divine Source of Love and Healing, I come before you in this moment with a humble heart, seeking your guidance and assistance. I pray for healing, both for myself and for those who are in need. I pray for physical healing, that any pain, illness, or discomfort I may be experiencing...
Jesus' Joy and Jesus – Joy thru '25 Be Yours, Dear Prayer Warriors and Intercessors – My Friends !!! *plz pray;Colleen;bakpain;continual physical duress; ohhhhhh the drain;strain;thx Posted by: God's love is JESUS ! Report Pray...
thoughts, sensations—all these things are physical reactions to chemical processes in our bodies, but they create an infinite interior space we call consciousness.”
It was trying to intimidate me to back off….but then more than ever i began moving in on it saying all the more….. I DONT BELIEVE YOUR SYMPTOMS, I BELIEVE GODS WORD and kept saying it, with all my heart, when suddenly the chest pain and the depression/anxiety both completely ...
aIn our schools, and sometimes there will be some activities. Such as tug of war contest and so on. Schools do more extra-curricular activities are good for us. Not only beneficial to our physical health, but also help us to learn. Can do work and rest, and help us with good learning...
Once I embraced grace for myself, I could extend it to my husband, and I also had hope that the sin that had become so familiar to me could be overcome by God’s power at work in my life. God’s grace is a miracle worker. It’s the power that defeats sin and death. We ...
My storm is still there. My sorrow is ever as deep as it ever was. My tears still fall, and the pain is still ever present. But I now know, He gathers all my tears in a bottle and will exchange them for His Joy. Storms have to run their course. ...
The pastoral experiences of life are gathered up into a concentrated petition, “Be in every sore heart, in every stricken home, beside every bed of pain, giving to all the blessing of Thy peace.” (Baillie 1936, p. 23). While it is true that no individual can love the whole of ...
When that promise is fulfilled, the faithful will live with God in His Kingdom eternally as members of a Holy City in which there is no death, crying, or pain (Revelation 21:1-4). 3. Thy Will Be Done on Earth as it Is in Heaven God reigns from Heaven with compassion and justice ...
When I hearIn the Garden, I reflect on all the walks and talks with God Daddy must surely have had. About the pain he endured: physical, mental, emotional. The times he struggled to provide for a family of five while proudly, and I believe foolishly, refusing any help from the nation...