Speech therapy Pragmatic repetition in normal and disordered verbal discourse NEW YORK UNIVERSITY Diana Sidtis Wolf-ColonRachelThe use of "pragmatic repetition," the iteration of one's own speech or the speech of a co-participant, has been overlooked in the language sciences. In adult ...
Repair in speech and language therapy interaction: Investigating pragmatic language impairment of children This paper examines the repair skills of three groups of 7 to 11-year old children: 1) children with Pragmatic Language Impairments (the PLI group); 2) chi... S Merrison,AJ Merrison - 《...
ArticlePubMedPubMed CentralGoogle Scholar Kissine, M., Cano-Chervel, J., Carlier, S., De Brabanter, P., Ducenne, L., Pairon, M.-C., et al. (2015). Children with autism understand indirect speech acts: Evidence from a semi-structured act-out task.PLoS ONE,10, e0142191. ArticleP...
Contrast, givenness, and (the lack of) accent shift and deaccentuation in non-assertive speech acts requires an accent shift (so that the intonation phrase is headed), the semantic-pragmatic effects of the shifted accent must fit the discourse context. ... H Seeliger,S Repp - 《Laboratory...
In this article, Catherine Adams, clinical senior lecturer in speech and language therapy at the University of Manchester, and Julian Lloyd, senior lecturer in psychology at Newman College, Birmingham, describe the implementation and effects of an intensive programme of speech and language therapy for...
Pragmatic Language Level in Autism Spectrum Disorders from the Perspective of Speech and Language Therapy in the Czech Republicdoi:10.17770/SIE2015VOL3.384Kateina VitáskováRezekne Academy of TechnologiesSOCIETY, INTEGRATION, EDUCATION. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference...
In this article, Catherine Adams, clinical senior lecturer in speech and language therapy at the University of Manchester, and Julian Lloyd, senior lecturer in psychology at Newman College, Birmingham, describe the implementation and effects of an intensive programme of speech and language therapy for...
Metacognition in speech and language therapy for children with social (pragmatic) communication disorders: implications for a theory of therapymetacognitiontherapydevelopmental pragmatic language impairmentBackgroundMetacognition is a significant component of complex interventions for children who have developmental ...
The Role of Pragmatic Speech in the Effectiveness of an Anxiety-Focused Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Adolescents with Autism Spectrum DisordersSpeech/Language/CommunicationA. TrubanovaR. EliasS. White
Speech and language therapyAutismoTrastorno del espectro autistaLenguajeExámenes de lenguajeLogopedia y foniatríaTheoretical background Language abnormalities in autism spectrum disorder show diversity in their interpretation as well as complexity regarding their evaluation processes. The contribution of the ...