pragma restrict_references(get_attribute_name, wnds); get_attribute_name是一个pl/sql function, 当我试图在这个函数中往一个log表里面插入log信息的时候。编译都通只是,给出例如以下信息, Error(2252,1): PLS-00452: Subprogram'GET_AMOUNT_NAME'violates its associated pragma 看来就是上面这个pragma搞得鬼。
pragma restrict_references(get_attribute_name, wnds); get_attribute_name是一个pl/sql function, 当我试图在这个函数中往一个log表里面插入log信息的时候,编译都通不过,给出如下信息, Error(2252,1): PLS-00452: Subprogram'GET_AMOUNT_NAME'violates its associated pragma 看来就是上面这个pragma搞得鬼。 查...
PL/SQL:使用pragma restrict_references限制包权限 在看别人的代码的时候。发现了例如以下的编译指令。 pragma restrict_references(get_attribute_name, wnds); get_attribute_name是一个pl/sql function, 当我试图在这个函数中往一个log表里面插入log信息的时候。编译都通只是,给出例如以下信息,...
For example, In PL/SQL, the pragma EXCEPTION_INIT tells the compiler to associate an exception name with an Oracle error number. === That allows you to refer to any internal exception by name and to write a specific handler for it.: DECLARE deadlock...
PRAGMA在PLSQL里有4个关键词的用法: (1)autonomous_transaction-自治事务,该程序块的commit或rollback不影响外层事务; (2)exception_init--错误代码与declare的标识符关联; (3)restrict_references--程序包的纯度级别; (4)serially_reusable--程序包级别的数据在引用之间不保留。 到目前... ...
PRAGMA在PLSQL里有4个关键词的用法: (1)autonomous_transaction-自治事务,该程序块的commit或rollback不影响外层事务; (2)exception_init--错误代码与declare的标识符关联; (3)restrict_references--程序包的纯度级别; (4)serially_reusable--程序包级别的数据在引用之间不保留。 到目前...猜...
The DEPRECATE pragma may only appear in the declaration section of a PL/SQL unit. It must appear immediately after the declaration of an item to be deprecated. The DEPRECATE pragma applies to the PL/SQL element named in the declaration which precedes the pragma. When the DEPRECATE pragma ...
optimize, because any invocation of the subprogram might produce different results or encounter errors. If a statement in a user-defined subprogram violates an assertion made byRESTRICT_REFERENCES, then the PL/SQL compiler issues an error message when it parses that statement, unless you specify...