For example, In PL/SQL, the pragma EXCEPTION_INIT tells the compiler to associate an exception name with an Oracle error number. === That allows you to refer to any internal exception by name and to write a specific handler for it.: DECLARE deadlock_detected EXCEPTION; PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INI...
Live SQL: You can view and run this example on Oracle Live SQL atRestricting Access to Top-Level Procedures in the Same Schema ALTER SESSION SET PLSQL_WARNINGS='ENABLE:(6019,6020,6021,6022)'; Example 13-10 Deprecation of a PL/SQL Package ...
Oracle/ Oracle Database/ Release 21 Database PL/SQL Language Reference 14.31 Expression 14.32 FETCH Statement 14.33 FOR LOOP Statement 14.34 FORALL Statement 14.35 Formal Parameter Declaration 14.36 Function Declaration and Definition 14.37 GOTO Statement ...
PRAGMA在PLSQL里有4个关键词的用法: (1)autonomous_transaction-自治事务,该程序块的commit或rollback不影响外层事务; (2)exception_init--错误代码与declare的标识符关联; (3)restrict_references--程序包的纯度级别; (4)serially_reusable--程序包级别的数据在引用之间不保留。 到目前... ...
涵蓋Oracle SQL Server 移轉小幫手 (SSMA) 無法轉換區塊層級上包含 PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION 語句的 PL/SQL 區塊(也就是獨立 BEGIN ...END)。
本文介绍 Oracle SQL Server 迁移助手 (SSMA) 不转换块级别(即独立BEGIN ... END)语句的 PL/SQL 块PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION的一些原因。 背景 自治事务允许你创建一个新的子事务,该子事务可以提交或回滚独立于父事务的更改。PRAGMA引用编译器指令,用于向编译器提供指令。
Commit an Insert statement in a 'pragma autonomous_transaction' procedure : Autonomous Transaction « PL SQL Statements « Oracle PL/SQL TutorialOracle PL/SQL Tutorial PL SQL Statements Autonomous TransactionSQL> SQL> create table t ( msg varchar2(4000) ); Table created. SQL...
“O2SS0205: SQL Server Migration Assistant for Oracle Error message: Unable to convert PRAGMA AUTONOMUS_TRANSACTION” To convert a PL/SQL block with an AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION statement, it is recommended to wrap the code into a procedure, function, or...
PRAGMA在PLSQL里有4个关键词的用法: (1)autonomous_transaction-自治事务,该程序块的commit或rollback不影响外层事务; (2)exception_init--错误代码与declare的标识符关联; (3)restrict_references--程序包的纯度级别; (4)serially_reusable--程序包级别的数据在引用之间不保留。 到目前...搭建...