然后去修改这个PR的数量,保存之, PR抬头的release strategy选项卡就出现了! 2017-09-21 写于无锡市新吴区
然后去修改这个PR的数量,保存之, PR 抬头的release strategy选项卡就出现了!
SAP MM 明明已经配置好了审批策略,为啥创建的PR单据里不出现release strategy选项卡? 如下的设置, 该审批策略检查PR里的工厂代码和PR的单据类型, 而不管金额多少。 采购申请单据, 单据类型是NB,工厂是3200。问题出在哪里? 经查,得知审批策略中的classification设置有误,如下图: 虽然该审批策略不看PR金额,只看工厂...
In SAP project practice, many projects have set approval strategy for purchase requisitions, and the purchase requisition documents cannot be modified after the purchase
SAP MM 明明已经配置好了审批策略,为啥创建的PR单据里不出现release strategy选项卡? 如下的设置, 该审批策略检查PR里的工厂代码和PR的单据类型, 而不管金额多少。 采购申请单据, 单据类型是NB,工厂是3200。问题出在哪里? 经查,得知审批策略中的classification设置有误,如下图: ...
SAP MM 明明已经配置好了审批策略,为啥创建的PR单据里不出现release strategy选项卡? 如下的设置, 该审批策略检查PR里的工厂代码和PR的单据类型, 而不管金额多少。 采购申请单据, 单据类型是NB,工厂是3200。问题出在哪里? 经查,得知审批策略中的classification设置有误,如下图: ...
SAP Managed Tags: MM (Materials Management) what is the exact difference between PR Release and PO Release PR can be released line item wise but PO release will be at header level only... Is there any specific Reason... i tried to find but couldn't find... is there an...
not all fields in the pr can be used. for a full list of fields that can be used to determine the release startegy, see tcode se12 table ceban.so the two fields that will be used is:field ceban-werks forplantfield ceban-gswrt foritem valuewe 8、need to create a characteristic ...
题目: 在NSR工单中,确认PR信息无误后,点击Workflow进入工作流,该Pr即传递到SAP系统中。( ) A、 正确 B、 错误 免费查看参考答案及解析 题目: 气象报文中,其中PR的含义是什么? A、 部分的 B、 高吹的 C、 低吹的 免费查看参考答案及解析 题目: VSWR与正反向功率PF,PR的关系为( ) A、 B、 ...
- The 'fixed for MRP' or the 'firmed for req. planning' indicator has been set in the release indicator for your purchase requisition release strategy. This way, you prevent MRP from accidentally deleting purchase requisitions that have already been released by someone. ...