Marketing 市场营销 ---theartofgettingandkeepingcustomers.Aboutthecourse Thegoodstarisanhalfofsuccess.Overallobjectives Attheconclusionofthecourse,studentsshouldbecapableof:Understanding,listing,andexplainingthefactors,which constrainandprovideopportunitiesformarketing.Developingtheframeworksthatformulatesmarketing strateg...
1. Read the following marketing tips which are based on a marketing strategy or tactic proven to boost sales. Marketing Tips 1) Research what your market wants; where, when and why customers buy; what benefits they are seeking from your product or service; and what competitors are providing....
Stages of the Product Life Cycle PLC Stages Introduction Growth Maturity Decline Low sales High costs per customer Negative profits Innovator customers Few competitors * *To accompany A Framework for Marketing Management, 2nd Edition 第二百零四页,共三百七十二页。 Stages of the Product Life Cycle ...
Sales growth slumped, and its market share fell by more than 3 percent between 1997 and 2003. To turn the company around, the company’s mission was changed from “being the world’s best quickservice restaurant” to “being our customers’ favorite place and way to eat.” The company ...
and want through creating, offering, and freely exchanging products and services of value with others. - Philip Kotler (p. 7) Simple Marketing SystemSimple Marketing System Industry (a collection of sellers) Market (a collection of Buyers) Goods/services Money Communication Information Production ...
Chapter 2: Strategy and Sales Program Planning Part I THE BIG PICTURE Chapter 2: Strategy and Sales Program Planning Figure 2-1 The Sales Force Decision Sequence LEVEL 1 Top Management Decisions Business Strategy Marketing Strategy Go-to-Market Strategy Supply Chain Management (SCM) Customer Relation...
Product Knowledge People Skills SellingSkills SolutionSelling •SSisaboutprocess •S.Smakesyoudifferentbythewayyousell.•Insellinganintangibleproducttoagenerallynonexpertbuyer-processwillwin •Thesellersexecutingthebestprocesswillwin.•InSS,youarenotsellingaproduct,butratheravisionabouthowthingscanandshould...
Segmentation,Targeting,andPositioningProduct,services,andBrandingStrategyNew-prodctDevelopmentandProductLife-CycleStrategiesPricingConsiderationsandStrategies •Chapter10MarketingChannelsandSupplyChainMangement •Chapter11RetailingandWholesaling•Chapter12IntegratedMarketingCommunicationAdvertising,Sales Promotion,andPublic...
2、 and distribution of goods, services and ideas to create exchanges t h a t s a t i s f i e d i n d i v i d u a l a n d o r g a n i z a t i o n a l o b j e c t i v e s . MarketingDeciding what products to offerSetting pricesDeveloping sales promotion...
LINKING FINANCE FUNCTIONS WITH SALES AND MARKETING TO ACHIEVE IMPROVED PERFORMANCECase Studies, Concepts and Debatable IdeasKenny OngCNI Holdings Berhad Intro: CNI19 years oldCore Business: MLMOthers: Contract Manufacturing, Export/Trading, eCommerce, FB RetailMalaysia, Singapore, Brunei, Indonesia, ...