Focus on both positive and negative reactions to stressors 同时关注压力情境下的积极和消极反应Savoring 品味Eustress正性压力Stressors压力源Outcomes结果distress负性压力IndividualdifferencesCoping 应对 Dual process perspective 双过程模型?Eustress 正性/良性压力反应?Hope, vigor, positive affect, meaningfulness, ...
WhatisStress?Pressureperceivedtobefromtheoutsidethatcanmakeyoufeeltenseinside.Therateofwear&tearonthebody.Thenonspecificresponseofthebodytoanydemandmadeuponit.It’sthewayyourmindandbodyreacttoanynew,threateningorexcitingsituation.“It’swhatyoufeelwhenthere’sjusttoodarnedmuchgoingon!”2020/12/12 3 What...
A PICTURE IS WORTH A THOUSAND WORDS Stress Managing Techniques Change your way of thinking Reframing: Change the way you look at something in order to feel better about them Positive thinking: Focus on your strengths, learn from your struggle, make a change Tips for Stress-Managing Physical ac...
StressManagementPowerPoint.ppt,* In addition to the previously mentioned things you can do to reduce stress, avoiding the following can help manage stress: Many of the food ‘vices’ that people turn to when stress seems overwhelming: excess salt, sugar
1、STRESS MANAGEMENT,TRiO Workshop Fall 2007,What is Stress?,Stress can be defined as our mental, physical, emotional, and behavioral reactions to any perceived demands or threats.,The “Fight or Flight” Response,When situations seem threatening to us, our bodies react quickly to supply ...
STRESSMANAGEMENT TRiOWorkshopFall2007 WhatisStress?Stresscanbedefinedasourmental,physical,emotional,andbehavioralreactionstoanyperceiveddemandsorthreats.The“FightorFlight”Response Whensituationsseemthreateningtous,ourbodiesreactquicklytosupplyprotectionbypreparingtotakeaction.Thisphysiologicalreactionisknownasthe"...
Stress Management Techniques Wellness Proposals压力管理技术健康建议 STRESS MANAGEMENT TECHNIQUES THAT WORK! Adapted from Dr Margaret Wehrenberg MANAGING STRESS Can control, reduce and even eliminate anxiety stress symptoms! Can learn strategies and techniques that provide stress relief! BREATHING BREATHING ...
Ralf Gottwald1st International Conference on Corporate Management and Human Resources in Public Transport: Changing the Culture in Public Transport: Moving from Production Industry to Service Provider in a Cost Conscious Business: Bremen, 4-6 March 2009...
6、stressPressure consists of three parts: 1) stressor(压力源) : For example: environmental, health, work, family, economic, and interpersonal relationships.2)stressor will cause stress , stress depends on a sense of personal control over the management of stressors, personality, thoughts and bel...
Stress Management Techniques Avoiding situations that cause stress is the easiest way. If you can’t avoid the situation you can. Use Refusal Skills: Make sure you have the time for a new activity before agreeing to take it on. Plan Ahead: TIME MANAGEMENT. Don’t procrastinate, use a plann...