欢迎参加 Welcome to 销售压力管理培训 培训师:孙培俊,破冰:寻找一个他,周哈里窗 你知 你不知 我知我不知用分享 开发潜能,公众我,隐私我,背脊我,潜能我,行为循环 思维,态度,习惯,结果,ACTION,学习的精
Stress-ManagementPPT教学课件 StressManagement ALifeSkillsWorkshopPresentedby Dr.LowellG.Roddy,LMFTAssistantDirector,Counseling&TestingCenterAustinPeayStateUniversity 2020/12/12 1 LearningObjectives LearnthecharacteristicsofstressLearnsomecommonstressorsUsingastressinventory,learnyourlevel ofstressLearntenwaystoreduce...
ppt on STRESS MANAGEMENTstress ppt
压力管理StressManagement 壓力管理 Stress Management 朱立新 醫生 Dr. Chu Lap Sun , Patrick 精神科專科 Specialist in Psychiatry 2010年6月20日 此講座由香港葛蘭素史克公司贊助 壓力是什麼 ? 原因 影響 管理 壓力舒緩 / 減壓 What is stress ? Cause Effect / Response Management Stress Reduction 壓力是 : ...
StressManagementPowerPoint.ppt,* In addition to the previously mentioned things you can do to reduce stress, avoiding the following can help manage stress: Many of the food ‘vices’ that people turn to when stress seems overwhelming: excess salt, sugar
Stress Management What is stress Stress is the automatic response to any physical or mental demand placed on a person Adrenaline is a chemical naturally produced in our body as a response to stress Fight or flight responses is elicited
Stress & Stress Management & Conflict Resolution/ Violence Prevention Mental & Emotional Problems Disorder =a disturbance in the normal function of a part of the body. Kinds of disorders (1 in 5 kids/adults affected) Anxiety =intense anxiety or fear keeps a person from functioning normally. Phob...
系统标签: management rehab athlete coping self talk StressManagement StressManagement SIT(StressInoculationTraining) Cognitive-affectivestressmanagementTraining(SMT) SystematicDesensitization Self-talkstrategies Stayphysicallyactive CopingTechniques Anindividualisexposedto andlearnstocopewithstress (viaproductivethoughts,...
Bydoingthat,wecanreducethechancestobeunderunnecessarystress.whatmethodcanrelaxyourmood,reduceyourpressure?Doyouknow?Bestmusicsforyou •Britneyspears——holditagainstme•BritneySpears——sometimes•Aaroncarter——onebetter•Aaroncarter——iamaboutyou•Jessemccartney——becauseyoulive imagineyourselflayingona...