ppt on STRESS MANAGEMENTstress ppt
正常 / 好的壓力急性壓力慢性壓力Is stress all bad ? Normal / Good Stress Acute Stress Chronic Stress急性壓力的身體反應: 感覺有威脅 / 危險 打鬥或逃跑的反應 壓力賀爾蒙 (腎上腺素、皮質醇) 心跳、呼吸 消化 肌肉血流量 求生存Acute Stress Body Response : Perceived threat / danger Fight on Flight ...
WhatisStress?Pressureperceivedtobefromtheoutsidethatcanmakeyoufeeltenseinside.Therateofwear&tearonthebody.Thenonspecificresponseofthebodytoanydemandmadeuponit.It’sthewayyourmindandbodyreacttoanynew,threateningorexcitingsituation.“It’swhatyoufeelwhenthere’sjusttoodarnedmuchgoingon!”2020/12/12 3 What...
Stress Managem.ppt STRESSMANAGEMENT TRiOWorkshopFall2007 WhatisStress?Stresscanbedefinedasourmental,physical,emotional,andbehavioralreactionstoanyperceiveddemandsorthreats.The“FightorFlight”Response Whensituationsseemthreateningtous,ourbodiesreactquicklytosupplyprotectionbypreparingtotakeaction.Thisphysiological...
14、n we are stressed, is the time we do it the least.,Suggestions for Reducing Stress,7. Learn to say no. Learn to pick and choose which things you will say yes to and which things you will not. Protect yourself by not allowing yourself to take on every request or opportunity that...
压力管理StressManagement 壓力管理 Stress Management 朱立新 醫生 Dr. Chu Lap Sun , Patrick 精神科專科 Specialist in Psychiatry 2010年6月20日 此講座由香港葛蘭素史克公司贊助 壓力是什麼 ? 原因 影響 管理 壓力舒緩 / 減壓 What is stress ? Cause Effect / Response Management Stress Reduction 壓力是 : ...
* The real definition of stress is ‘the nonspecific response of the body to any demand made upon it.’ Now this definition is very vague, as a matter of fact they even use the word “nonspecific” in the definition. Stress can take on many forms, come from internal or external sources...
stress managementppt - Stress Management 热度: 页数:24 Emotional intelligence key to stress management 热度: 页数:25 The-impact-of-role-stress-fit-and-self-esteem-on-the-job-attitudes-of-IT-professionals_Information-&-Management_2006.pdf 热度: 页数:11 Staff Stress Management and Wellbein...
Stress Management Techniques Avoiding situations that cause stress is the easiest way. If you can’t avoid the situation you can. Use Refusal Skills: Make sure you have the time for a new activity before agreeing to take it on. Plan Ahead: TIME MANAGEMENT. Don’t procrastinate, use a plann...
Stress Management What is stress Stress is the automatic response to any physical or mental demand placed on a person Adrenaline is a chemical naturally produced in our body as a response to stress Fight or flight responses is elicited