•Influencepeople’scapabilityandout-performtheirlimits•Convincepeopletodowellintheirassignedwork•Manage,guideandinfluenceoncollaboration•Oneofthemajordynamicforceandcanbeusedto motivateteam-work•Capabilitytomakecriticaldecisions•Courageanddetermination leadership&managerment领导与管理 •Improveandstrengthen...
第13页/共33页Management Steps Tasks, Responsibilities & PracticesPlanningOrganizationStaffingLeadershipControlMotive people 8、 to work hard on Commonly sharedgoals 第14页/共33页 Create multiple effects on existing resources All different activities need to be synchronized and consistent on the same goal...
Leadership Decideswhatneedstobedone Createsnetworkstoaccomplishanagenda Alignspeopletonewdirectionandinspiresaction Focusesonlongertimeframes Focusesonstrategiesthattakecalculatedrisks IntroductiontoLeadership andManagement Leadership Focusesonpeople’svalues Focusesonintegrationandgettingthegrouplinedupintherightdirection ...
实现一定目标的社会过程 Leadership as a Social Process Leaders are not leaders without followers Effective leadership=successful long-term performance of subordinates Power 领导的本质是一种影响力(influencing the followers) 领导(leadership)与领导者(leader) 管理(management)与管理者(manager) 领导(者)与管理...
Nursing Leadership & Management Theories and Styles of Leadership Objectives: After 2 Hours of lecture and discussion, students are expected to: Differentiate leadership from management Distinguish roles of leaders and managers Describe at least four leadership theories or styles that are applicable to nu...
Source: Based on J. C. Kennedy, “Leadership in Malaysia: Traditional Values, International Outlook,” Academy of Management Executive, August 2002, pp. 15–17; F.C. Brodbeck, M. Frese, and M. Javidan, “Leadership Made in Germany: Low on Compassion, High on Performance,” Academy of ...
Management vs. Leadership - (PPT) 来自 掌桥科研 喜欢 0 阅读量: 2 作者: R Underdown 摘要: A leader is best When people barely know he exists, Not so good when people obey and acclaim him, Worse when they despise him. But of a good leader, who talks little, When his work is ...
BasicApproachestoLeadership 第1页/共24页 LEARNINGOBJECTIVES Afterstudyingthischapter,youshouldbeableto:➢Contrastleadershipandmanagement.➢Summarizetheconclusionsoftraittheories.➢Identifythelimitationsofbehavioraltheories.➢DescribeFiedler’scontingencymodel.➢ExplainHerseyandBlanchard’ssituationaltheory.➢...