7、ement spirits are not in knowing, its in executing/doing it第12页/共33页A professional manager is one who is responsible for the application of the knowledge and the result performance!第13页/共33页Management Steps Tasks, Responsibilities & PracticesPlanningOrganizationStaffingLeadershipControlMotive...
1、领导力培训Leadership training教师简介孙世骏在国营、民营和外资企业从事管理工作20 余年。曾任天津梅兰日兰质量与生产经理,施耐德天津工厂厂长,奇胜电气惠州企业总经理。现任施耐德电气亚太区企业培训经理。Shijun SUN20+ years working in industrial function:- Industrial training manager, APOD General manager, Clips...
领导力的培训LeadershipTraining.ppt,领导力培训 Leadership training;教师简介;培训内容与计划;前言 (课程主题与目的);为什么要培训?;第一部分: SE管理培训及能力模型简述 ;课程;SELF领导力模型;AIM培训主题;一线领导力培训主题;胜任能力 Competencies;SE能力模型轮廓;SE
Leadershiptraining 1 教师简介 孙世骏 在国营、民营和外资企业从事管理工作20 余年。曾任天津梅兰日兰质量与生产经理, 施耐德天津工厂厂长,奇胜电气惠州企业 总经理。现任施耐德电气亚太区企业培训 经理。 ShijunSUN 20+yearsworkinginindustrialfunction: -Industrialtrainingmanager,APOD -Generalmanager,ClipsalElectricHuizhou...
management is about doing things right‟ “领导是做正确的事而管理是把事情做对” • Leadership is often linked to vision and management to processes 领导通常与事业相联系,管理与流程相联系 • BUT both are important in schools 但是对学校来说两者很重要 ...
Leadership&Management ThreatandOpportunity Whatdidwelearnfromthemovie?•••••SurprisesDeterminationCleargoalandfocusCompetencyLeadership ChangeandtheChangingWorld Ourchoiceistochangeorbechanged!What‟sLeadership?•Influencepeoplevoluntarilytoachieveorganizationobjectives•It‟sonekindofpeoplerelationship,...
Effective German leaders are characterized by high performance orientation, low compassion, low self-protection, low team orientation, high autonomy, and high participation. Source: Based on J. C. Kennedy, “Leadership in Malaysia: Traditional Values, International Outlook,” Academy of Management ...
A good mentor will find balance between sharing information with the protégé and just guiding him/her to find out things on their own. The mentor must take care to be nonjudgmental and objective. All conversations are confidential. Sometimes the mentor will realize that he/she is not the bes...
组长应具备的能力 *Flextronics Corporate Presentation 领导技能 Leadership Skill NWG People Skill Training Program Series 了解组长在管理中的角色 组长与管理过程 什么是管理 组长的位置 组长的个人特征 组长的工作职责 如何衡量组长的工作 应具备的能力 应牢记的关键概念 管理是一项独特的工作(职业)。 所谓管理:是...