overcome&managefear–‘Dotherightthinganddoitright’•Leaderneedstobewell-prepared.Preparefortheunexpectedsurprises.Obtainalltheknowledgeyouneedandknowwhatyouneedtodo•Leadermustknowhowtocommunicate.•Leadermustknowhowtoteamwork,knowyourweakness/strengthandfindthebalance.CharacteristicsofLeaders VisionWisdom Confid...
第13页/共33页Management Steps Tasks, Responsibilities & PracticesPlanningOrganizationStaffingLeadershipControlMotive people 8、 to work hard on Commonly sharedgoals 第14页/共33页 Create multiple effects on existing resources All different activities need to be synchronized and consistent on the same goal...
非营利领导及管理手册The Jossey-Bass Handbook of Nonprofit Leadership and Management(2nd,2019).pdf 热度: An exploratory study of executive transformational leadership, wisdom, and emotional intelligence in management process turnaround situations.
Management vs. Leadership - (PPT)A leader is best When people barely know he exists, Not so good when people obey and acclaim him, Worse when they despise him. But of a good leader, who talks little, When his work is done, his aim fulfilled, They will say: We did it ourselves....
management is about doing things right‟ “领导是做正确的事而管理是把事情做对” • Leadership is often linked to vision and management to processes 领导通常与事业相联系,管理与流程相联系 • BUT both are important in schools 但是对学校来说两者很重要 ...
Leadership & Management Discussion for Lesson 13: Leadership Communication Lesson 13 Reading Objectives 1. The student will comprehend and explain the following communication terms: a. Congruence b. Frame of reference c. Paradigm d. Active listening e. Impression management ...
Nursing Leadership & Management Theories and Styles of Leadership Objectives: After 2 Hours of lecture and discussion, students are expected to: Differentiate leadership from management Distinguish roles of leaders and managers Describe at least four leadership theories or styles that are applicable to nu...
ManagementUseofauthorityinherentindesignatedformalranktoobtaincompliancefromorganizationalmembers.11–4 第4页/共24页 TraitTheories TraitsTheoriesofLeadership Theoriesthatconsiderpersonality,social,physical,orintellectualtraitstodifferentiateleadersfromnonleaders.LeadershipTraits:•Ambitionandenergy•Thedesiretolead•...