Improvestudents'Englishlisteningandspeakingskills Enhancestudents'Englishreadingandwritingabilities Developstudents'culturalawarenessandcross culturalcommunicationskills Increasestudents'selfconfidenceandmotivation inlearningEnglish Coursecontent 01 BasicEnglishgrammarandvocabulary 02 Englishlisteningcomprehensionandspeakingpractice...
• On one hand, we need to allow time for grammar and vocabulary learning so that students have sufficient linguistic competence. One the other hand, we need to provide sufficient opportunities for students to develop fluency. 13 • Maximising meaningful interactions • As one of the...
TopicsforDiscussion.1.WhatdoyouthinkMarkTwaindidafterheknewthathewasmistakenforthemayorofNewYork?2.Doyouagreethatthepeopleinthisstoryaremostlysnobbish(势利的)?Canyoufindotherexamplesofsnobbishnessinreallife?BACK ReadingAnalysis ReadTextAagainandcompletethefollowingtable.Paragraph1MainIdeaDetailsMarkTwainaskedfor...
34、 what the other person is going to say.,Task 5,Perform a dialogue with a partner based on cue card A and Speaker B looks at Card B.Then,with your partner make up your own prompts to be used on cue cards.Think about what sort of topics the students would be likely to talk abo...
All in all, it is probably better to live on your own. (2)Compare yours with the following: Topic Flat sharing advantages 1 2 disadvantages 1 2 conclusion (3)Select one of the following topics and write a paragraph according to the above frame work. Living in big cities Owning a car ...
21、amous writera popular student in your classTOPICSHOMEWORKMake up a story byusing past participles asattribute and predicative.1.Buses numbered 1 to 100 are limited to travel within the city centre.2.There is also a night bus service,provided by buses with a number in the 200s.3.It is...
vocabulary with Chinese translation; texts on familiar Chinese topics; T as a absolute controller. 2.You should always keep in mind as a teacher: your relationship with your students and with the subject you are teaching, will always have an important effect on the students’ learning. Task ...
It includes five specific goals, ranging from English subject matter learning and cross-cultural adaptation to the development of learning strategies and good emotions and attitudes. • Linguistic knowledge: Phonetics; Vocabulary; Grammar; Functions; Topics • Language skills: Listening; Speaking; ...
AnengagingandcomprehensivepresentationontheEnglishmajor,coveringtopicssuchasLanguageandLinguistics,LiteratureandCulture,andmore.IntroductiontoEnglishMajor ThePowerofLanguage ExplorethesignificanceofEnglishasagloballanguageanditsimpactoncommunicationandculture.BuildingLinguisticSkills Learnaboutthefundamentallinguisticconceptsand...
Our study on the English Curriculum Standards will be centered around six major points: (a) The nature of the curriculum (b) Basic principles in curriculum reform (c) Curriculum goals, including the nine-band goals system; (d) Curriculum resources, including development and utilization of ...