TurnoverisinevitableApproachtoretentionmanagementGatherandanalyzeemployees’reasonsforleaving TypesofTurnover 14-5 TypesofEmployeeTurnoverVoluntary(employee) Avoidable-Couldbeprevented TrytopreventforhighvalueemployeesDonottrytopreventforlowvalueemployees Unavoidable-Couldnotbeprevented...
员工态度与留住优秀员工方式中英文.ppt,员工态度与留住优秀员工方式中英文 精品资料网 精品资料网 员工态度与留住优秀员工方式中英文 Talent Management – from Employee Attitude to Retention Approach 人才管理:员工的态度与留住人才的方式 Peter Cappelli Professor a
involuntary turnover Voluntary turnover – initiated at the choice of the employee, –voluntary turnover can be predicted or controlled to an extent by the construct of turnover intent. Involuntary Turnover –where the employee has no choice in their termination long term sickness, death, moving ...
Employee retention (Turnover rate) 员工保持度(流动率) Employee satisfaction survey results 员工满意度调查结果 Total TD expenses as a % of total pay roll costs 培训与发展成本 Competency assessments for key managers 主要经理人员的能力评估 People Development 人员发展 Number of new product concepts in ...
员工行为EmployeeBehavior 价格/相关价值Price/RelativeValue 服务质量ServiceQuality 客户满意价值CustomerSatisfaction/Value 客户推荐Recommendation客户关系的维持Retention客户的增值Expansion 经营业绩BusinessPerformance 功能Features 为何重视敬业度:员工需求WhyEngagementMatters:EmployeeNeeds 人员流动Turnover员工推荐Recommend...
Warm-upListeningandSpeakingIn-depthReadingFurtherReadingPracticalWritingReal-LifePractice LearningObjectives Inthisunit,youarerequiredto:•learnthedefinitionofemployee orientation;•understandthetworeading passagesandmastertheimportantwordsandexpressionsinthem;•developskillsinusingthesentencepatternof“Itis+adj.+that...
Employee Behavior 客户推荐 Recom- mendation 客户关系的维持 Retention 客户的增值 Expansion 经营业绩 Business Performance 客户满意价值 Customer Satisfaction/ Value 客户价值驱动因素: Customer Value Drivers: 人力资源策略: 如何通过敬业的员工 支持企业关键能力 企业对员工的要求 绩效管理 培训发展 组织结构 人员...
They are all focused on lowering the employee turnover and preserving knowledge. The companies are fully aware that new hiring not only entails a high cost but also increases the risk of the newcomer not being able to replace the person who was working in that position before. Their HR ...