Based-task Writing 太⽩中学刘亚琴 Teaching goals: Enable students to learn how to write an article.Teaching important and difficult points: Check the mistakes in students’ article. Teaching methods: Discussion, cooperative learning.Teaching aids: a computer and a ppt Teaching procedures and ways S...
1、Writing Format for English Thesis LIU DONGQING,Title Basic information of the author and supervisor Abstract Key words Contents Main body Quoting Bibliography,Necessary items:,标题与基本信息构成扉页内容。 标题:二号加粗,字体采用“Times New Roman”(全文采用),除了英语小词外,其他单词首字母都要大写。
III.Techniquesinsummarywriting 1.First,trytofindthemainideainthereading;it’susuallyinthefirstparagraph.Next,skimthroughthearticle,glancingatanyheadingsandgraphics.Then,readtheconclusion.Theintenthereisbothtogiveyourselfareviewoftheworkandtoeffectivelyengageyourselfwithit.2.Thengobackandreadtheoriginaltext...
(3) For the cover letter can be seen as the abstract of your article, it can partly represent your writing standard. 2. How to write a cover letter keep it concise and clear and give prominence to the key points. Your cover letter should be prepared less than one page. 3. The ...
At this stage of the study, I really don‘t think the author has the qualification to independently write a review article, and strongly suggest the author to focus on research articles(我不认为作者有写综述的能力,既乏训练也无高度). Clearly there is a lack of training about writing a ...
AbstractWriting •1.background:introducesthepresentsituationorproblems(inpresenttense)•2.purpose:(inpasttense)•3.method:(inpasttense)•4.results:(inpasttense)•5.conclusion:giveanalysis,comparisonor applicationoftheresults,orraisesquestions,recommendationsorpredictionsonthebasisoftheresults.(in...
Webrockers provides unique article writing and varieties of SEO based services. – A free PowerPoint PPT presentation (displayed as an HTML5 slide show) on - id: 5ea3e5-OTE0Y
Aliteraturereviewisanaccountofwhathasbeenpublishedonatopicbyaccreditedscholarsandresearchers.Describingthetheoreticalframeworktoastudy Summarizingandcritiquingpreviousresearch,Adoptingastance,Usingreportingandevaluativeverbs Theliteraturereviewaccomplishesseveralpurposes.◦Itshareswiththereadertheresultsofotherstudiesthatare...
Based on all this, and more I will not spend time discussing, we find it difficult to understand how you could possibly reject the manuscript without the opportunity to revise it. Could you explain your decision? I look forward to hearing from you. *** Writing a cover letter Being brief,...
Tips on Writing an Abstract 1. Write the abstract last 2. Follow any guidelines you’ve been given 3. Be accurate 4. Be self-contained 5. Be clear, concise and specific 6. Use signals 7. Emphasize points in proportion to the emphasis they receive in the paper 8. Select key indexing ...