With this lesson plan, your students will learn the intricacies of writing a feature article. They will view a video lesson, take a related quiz,...
Nevin, TomHennessy, Brendan. 2006. Writing Feature Articles. Oxford: Focal Press.Oyero, 0.S. (2006). Writing Feature Articles. In Folarin B., Obe J., Oyero 0. & Ekeanyawu N. (Ed.).Themes in Communication Writing (pp. 112-128). Akure:...
DaVincilookedandsawthateacheggwasdifferent.Hestareattheeggsinfrontofhim,andthenstartedpaintingagain.Afterseveralday,DaVinciproducedapainting.Itmadehisteacherhappy:apileofeggsonaplate.Ifyoulookedatthemfromtherightangle,theyseemedreal!Mostimportantly,theteachercouldseethedifferentfeatureofeachegg. Bystudyingwhathe...
Featurewritershaveconsiderablefreedomofexpressionandtheirstoriesarefarmorevariedinstylethannewsstories.风格多样,记者有更大的表达自由。Page2 Whatisagoodprofilestory?选取的人物很有新闻价值;她/他是一位重要人物或者被卷入一个新闻事件。看似平常的人物,生活中有些鲜为人知的故事。这些故事能折射出大的社会问题...
learning objectives,1.Read the argumentative essay about,space exploration,2.Study the features of the a,rgumentative,essay,3.Try to write an argumentative essay about,space exploration,learning objectives1.Read the,2,leading-in,What is your opinion on spending much money and time in exploring ...
You need to have a specific angle You need to write it like a journalism article Do not edit as you go„simply focus on telling the story Your options: Your options: 1. Jeff Balducci, senior, ran more than 500 miles this summer. ...
1、.1Academic WritingFor Medical Students.2Outline of the workshopAn overview of the features of academic writing from the perspective of linguisticsAn introduction to a typical research articleA focus on abstract.3A. Features of Academic WritingObjective: to inform rather than entertain Linear: one...
I’ve set 25 documents as a temporary limit for now. But you can reuse your current document by simply choosing a new keyword and add the corresponding text to get a relevant SEO Content score for your article. Reply Kirti Hey Jasja… Thanks !! Following your advice as I am completely...
Featurewritershaveconsiderablefreedomofexpressionandtheir storiesarefarmorevariedinstylethannewsstories. 风格多样,记者有更大的表达自由。 Page3 Whatisagoodprofilestory? 选取的人物很有新闻价值;她/他是一位重要人物或者被卷入一个新闻事件。看似平常的人物,生活中有些鲜为人知的故事。这些故事能折射出大的社会问题...