酒店管理系统(英文版).ppt,* * PRESENTATION Hotel Management System 1:Guest room standard module (increase, delete, check) 2:Guest room basic information module (increase, delete, check) 3:User management module (increase, delete, check) Module Upgrad
2、店管理信息系统的总体设计酒店管理信息系统的功能设计酒店管理信息系统的功能设计第一节酒店管理信息系统概述第一节酒店管理信息系统概述2 2酒店管理信息系统基本概念酒店管理信息系统基本概念酒店管理信息系统酒店管理信息系统(Hotel Management (Hotel Management Information System,Information System,简称简称HMIS)HMIS)是...
飞龙酒店管理系统 FeiLong Hotel Management System软件特色功能介绍使用须知:1、本幻灯片使用Powerpoint 2007制作,最佳浏览软件为Powerpoint 2007。2、所有幻灯片均使用了自动播放,当播放速度过快时,请按向左箭头回到上一幻灯片慢慢浏览。3、本幻灯片只介绍软件的特色功能,如须了解更详细功能,请登录 或致电 020 ...
Hotel management system, not only to the effective management of the hotel, but also to provide customers with better service. Therefore, this article on the hotel management system system research is very necessary. The main functions of the hotel management system include the following sections: ...
4. 未经权益所有人同意不得将文件中的内容挪作商业或盈利用途。 5. 装配图网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对用户上传分享的文档内容本身不做任何修改或编辑,并不能对任何下载内容负责。 6. 下载文件中如有侵权或不适当内容,请与我们联系,我们立即纠正。
,hotel management is a complex process that effectively and efficiently uses organizations resources to achieve objectives through the functions of planning,leading,coordinating,organizingand controlling.,二、饭店管理的五种职能,计划planning 组织organizing 指挥leading 协调coordinating 控制controlling 激励incentive,...
1、HIMS Hotel Incident Management System酒店意外事件管理系统,Objective目标,To train and familiarize HIMS key personnel on their roles during emergency or crisis situation at the hotel. 为酒店意外事件管理系统核心人员提供指导,使其清楚并熟悉自己在紧急事件或危机事件中的角色。 To train and familiarize ...
Management;Unit 1 General Introduction to Hotel Management;Unit 1 General Introduction to Hotel Management;Unit 1 General Introduction to Hotel Management;Unit 1 General Introduction to Hotel Management;Unit 1 General Introduction to Hotel Management;Unit 1 General Introduction to Hotel Management;Unit 1...
五星级酒店客源分析Hotel Membership Management System.自来客户团体客户客源分析多为各类企事业单位、及旅游团体,消费性质明确,营销活动以商务洽谈靶向营销为主多为区域性高端散客、个人旅行,消费性质多变,多与店内或网络销售平台促销推广等被动营销手段产生直接联系秋天,漫步花园。万树枯竭,唯独菊花一枝独秀,我们在花园中...