change Documents for the part(If any). GDT图纸发布后,又发生了新的变更,只要是因为发生EWO变更 Yes N/A 4 产品工程批准的工程更改文件,如果有 而做的PPAP,就需要提交EWO变更信息。 递交 无要求递交 MDS Approved by PATAC Yes Yes 5 新项目必须提交,如果材料发生变更也需要重新提交 经PATAC批准的材料数据...
change Documents for the part(If any). GDT图纸发布后,又发生了新的变更,只要是因为发生EWO变更 Yes N/A 4 产品工程批准的工程更改文件,如果有 而做的PPAP,就需要提交EWO变更信息。 递交 无要求递交 MDS Approved by PATAC Yes Yes 5 新项目必须提交,如果材料发生变更也需要重新提交 经PATAC批准的材料数据...
Master Sample Separate #18. Checking Aid 9、s19. Records of Compliance with Customer-Specific RequirementsPPAP生产零组件核准程序 SECTION I(第I章)1、设计记录一应 (shall)具所有设计记录2、核准工程变更文件3、工程核准(当要求时)4、DFMEA(有设计责任)5、制程流程图6、PFMEA7、尺寸量测 1、依设计资料&...
apqp 和ppap过程专业术语 红色重点注释;艳红色评估中;蓝色新增delphi:在流程图的检验栏有以下四种注释:160;a automatic, or machine inspected i.e.160; leak tester a代表
PPAPProcedure生产件批准程序(中英版).pdf,QUALITY SYSTEM Number 文件编号: LOGO PROCEDURE PD-C2-03 质量体系程序 Department 部门: AQP 项目部 Subject 文件名称: PPAP Procedure 生产件批准程序 Revision 版本: Effective Date生效日期: Page 1 of6 1.0 2012-1-1
authorized engineering change documentnot yet incorporated in the design record to which the part was supplier shall identify one of the parts measured as the master sample (See ).The supplier shall record the change level, drawing date, supplier name and part number on all auxiliary documents(....
注册 待分类 > 待分类 > 《生产件批准程序》(PPAP)第四版(英文版) 下载文档 收藏 打印 转格式 185阅读文档大小:516.24K99页麦狗狗上传于2020-09-06格式:PDF 《生产件批准程序》(PPAP)第四版(英文版) 热度: 生产件批准程序(PPAP) 第四版【员工及安全管理】 ...
(整车厂) OTS Off Tooling Sample 正式工装/模具生产样品 PPAP Production Part Approval Process 生产件批准程序 PAD Production Assembly Documents 生产装配文件 PCL Production Control Logistics 生产控 物流 PSW Part Submission Warrant 零件提交保证书 PDT Product Development Team 项目开发组 PFMEA Process Failure...
Engineering Change Documents:Detailed description of changes of parts from previous revisions called Engineering Change Notice. Customer Engineering Approval:Customer approval of sample production parts. Design Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (DFMEA):Prediction of a product's potential design failure. ...