对 PEP3 项目,文件要求如下: For PEP3, documents requirements as follows: 常用文档: General items: 1. 项目文件夹 Project folder 2. 风险评估表 RLA 项目组织结构图(包括指导委员会,各分项目经理(需要其 Project Organization 3. 主管的确认) Chart(With Steering Committee ,sub-project managers ( need ...
格式:PDF 页数:88 上传日期:2012-07-22 20:55:57 浏览次数:470 下载积分:800 加入阅读清单 0% 还剩87 页未读,是否继续阅读? 此文档由 夏日依米 分享于 2012-07-22 请拖动滑块继续阅读 不看了,直接下载阅读了该文档的用户还阅读了这些文档 27 p. PPAP文件表格 3 p. 【精品】PPAP文件表格 12 ...
change Documents for the part(If any). GDT图纸发布后,又发生了新的变更,只要是因为发生EWO变更 Yes N/A 4 产品工程批准的工程更改文件,如果有 而做的PPAP,就需要提交EWO变更信息。 递交 无要求递交 MDS Approved by PATAC Yes Yes 5 新项目必须提交,如果材料发生变更也需要重新提交 经PATAC批准的材料数据...
7、heck.list(附录F);qPPAP检验&测试应(shall)由认可实验室执行; PPAP生产零组件核准程序记录保存依4.16规定1. Design Records2. Any authorized Engineering Change Documents3. Engineering Approval, when required4. Design FMEA Separate #5. Process Flow Diagram6. Process FMEA Separate #7. Dimensional Resul...
checklist 17散装物料检查单18.Mspectim standard 18检查基准书(对应气泡图编号19.Sample Product 19生产件样品20.Master Sample 20标准样品21.Packing pattern recognized by logistics department 21物流部签名认可的包装方式(彩色22.Special characteris tics 22特殊特性清单(CC/SC/PTC Applicability PPAP Index List...
PPAP Documents Terminology List Name Notes Vision System CCD 摄像检验 Refers to the cameras that check for things like damage, terminal position, wire routing etc. ; Use "vision System" rather than CCD for consistency Visual Check 目视检验 Refers to operator inspection with eyes Terminal ...
Learn more about MBD PPAP Download:MBD-Based Inspection Reporting PDF For example, if a large company with multiple suppliers receives the same drawing, most likely, the company will get back 5 different PPAP documents with varying GD&T interpretations from the suppliers. ...
2DRAWINGandCHANGEDOCUMENTS: -Releaseddrawingatlatestchangelevelandmatcheswarrant -Allcharacteristicsballoonedandnumbered(includingNotes) -ApprovedengineeringEWOattached(ifapplicable) 3DFMEA:(ifavailable) -Blueprintdateandlevelmatch -AllSpecialCharacteristics(KPC/PQC/PTC/DR)addressed ...
change Documents for the part(If any). GDT图纸发布后,又发生了新的变更,只要是因为发生EWO变更 Yes N/A 4 产品工程批准的工程更改文件,如果有 而做的PPAP,就需要提交EWO变更信息。 递交 无要求递交 MDS Approved by PATAC Yes Yes 5 新项目必须提交,如果材料发生变更也需要重新提交 经PATAC批准的材料数据...