Customermayinitiateplanningprocess.Supplierhastheobligationtoestablishcross-functionalteamtomanageprocess.Suppliershouldexpectthesameperformancefromtheirsubcontractors.DetermineCustomerRequirements PrintPurchaseRequestorRequestforQuotation.StatementofWork(SOW)Customervisitsanddiscussions.Productchecklists.Training Customerneedsand...
Completed Along with Control Plan (APQP Process). Generally contains same information as process traveler.Process Flow Diagram ExampleAPQP Links to PFMEAWork InstructionsPFMEAChange in detectionChange in occurenceChange in severityControl PlanDesign Cha 10、ngeOther ActionororororProcess FMEA Must follow ...
Aerospace Elements (example, see explanation) Released Production Drawings or Definition Supplementary Product Requirement Documents Production Purchase Order DFMEA Process Flow Diagram PFMEA Process Control Plan Process Readiness Study Initial Process Studies Measurement System Analysis Engineering Frozen Planning/E...
Completed Along with Control Plan (APQP Process). Generally contains same information as process traveler. 第十二页,共五十一页。 Process Flow Diagram Example 第十三页,共五十一页。 APQP Links to PFMEA 第十四页,共五十一页。 Process FMEA Must follow flow of the process flow diagram. Must include...
免费在线预览全文 APQP PPAP ;APQP;What is APQP?;Benefits of APQP;Customer and Supplier Involvement;Determine Customer Requirements;Training;;Links Between the Tools;The Target and The Goal;Link Between the Documents;Process Flow Diagrams;Process Flow Diagram Example;APQP Links to PFMEA;Process FMEA;...
:AuthorizedCustomerRepresentative•如:授权的客户代表 2020/12/18 质量管理--德尔福副总培训手册--生产件批准程序PPAP •生产件批准程序PPAP•ProductionPartApprovalProcess •第四版的特点:•5.Forewordto4theditionadded•增加了第四版前言 •6.PPAPProcessflowchartexampleadded•增加了PPAP流程图样本• ...
Type:A ElementDescriptions Have(Y)NotHave(N)DocumentPrefixFirstPieceQualification PPAP FirstPieceQualification PPAP FirstPieceQualification PPAP FirstPieceQualification PPAP 00_APQP/PPAPChecklist清单 XXXX Y 01_DesignRecords设计记录(2D图纸)X Y 02_EngineeringChangeDocuments(ECN)工程变更通知单 X N 03_...
Process Flow Diagram Example APQP Links to PFMEA Process FMEA Must follow flow of the process flow diagram. Must include ALL process special characteristics (as a minimum). How a PFMEA Works Where does the data for the PFMEA come from? What types of people are a part of the PFMEA team?
第四版的特点:3.Typographicalandgrammaticalcorrections纠正了印刷,排版和语法的错误 4.Communizationoftermsthroughout通篇术语一致 Ex.:AuthorizedCustomerRepresentative如:授权的客户代表 2021/12/27 4 第四版的特点:5.Forewordto4theditionadded增加了第四版前言 6.PPAPProcessflowchartexampleadded增加了PPAP流程图样本 ...
• Completed Along with Control Plan (APQP Process). • Generally contains same information as process traveler. P r o c e s s F l o w D i a g r a m s U p d a t e d a . Process Flow Diagram Example P r o c e s s F l o w D i a g r a m E x a m p ...