PPAP全套 零件名称/描述:零件号/图号:PartNo./DrawingNo.:过程流程图processflowchart 供应商:Supplier:编制日期CompileDate:01/08/12 供应商代码:SupplierCode:修订日期Rev.:过程编号制造□ ProcessManufact NO.ure 移动○Transfer 储存△Stocking 检验◇Inspection 10 △ 操作描述ProcessDescription 原材料接收和验证...
一、什么是PPAP PPAP ProductionPartApprovalProcess生产产品认可程序 -1- 第1页/共63页 二、PPAP的目的 •目的:PPAP是用于确定供应商是否已完全理解所有客户工程设计资料及制作要求,及在实际的生产运作中,在规定的生产率下,供应商是否有潜力确保生产产品持续满足这些要求。-2- 第2页/共63页 三、PPAP适用范围...
PPAP(Production Part Approval Process)中文全称为生产件批准程序,是IATF 16949的五大工具之一,AIAG的《PPAP生产件批准程序手册》是做生产件批准的国际通用指导文件,目前最新版为第四版,我们通常所说的PPAP我们通常认为有广义和狭义之分,广义的PPAP是指在新品开发,生产条件变更等完成之前进行重要APQP要素的审核并运行,简...
P/N :652103.21.11 REV F TITLE : PROCESS FLOW CHARTInner Image TransferInner EtchingInner Punching GuideHoleInner Board CuttingInner OxideInner Middle InspectEdge TrimmingPressingDrilling Guide HoleO 10、uter BacklogMasslam Final QCPlate Through HoleDrillingPanel PlatingOuter Middle InspectPattern Plating...
5.6.2 Process flow chart: The projectteam shall used the process flow char 31、t (refer to the “process flow chart” in the APQP Procedure) specified by the company to describe the step and order of the production process clearly and meet the demand, requirement and expectation specified ...
Process Flow Chart 过程流程图 Product Quality Characteristic 产品质量特性 Process Flow Diagram 过程流程图 Pass Through Characteristic 过程特性 Production Trial Run 生产试行 Production Validation Plan and Report 产品验证计划与报告 Problem Reporting & Resolution 问题报告及决策 Production Validation 生产产品验证...
过程流程图Process flow chart 3 PFMEA 4 试生产控制计划Trial-launch control plan 5 作业指导书Operating process instruction 6 装备设计Mounting design 7 装备制造Mounting manufacture 四 产品和过程确认Product & process confirmation 1 材料清单Material list 2 操作者培训Training for operator 3 试生产Trial - ...
PPAP(Production Part Approval Process)中文全称为生产件批准程序,是IATF 16949的五大工具之一,AIAG的《PPAP生产件批准程序手册》是做生产件批准的国际通用指导文件,目前最新版为第四版,我们通常所说的PPAP我们通常认为有广义和狭义之分,广义的PPAP是指在新品开发,生产条件变更等完成之前进行重要APQP要素的审核并运行,简...
15、 failure modes and effects analysis 过程失效模式及后果分析ppmparts per million 每百万 ppei platform to powertrain electrical interfacepsapotential supplier assessment 潜在供应商评审ppkperformance index for a stable process 初试过程能力指数pfcprocess flow chart 过程流程图pqcproduct quality characteristic ...
42、 Mark2 Customer Engineering Approval( If required)3ProductCharacteristicList4FullDemensionMeasurementPlan5TestOutline6Material/ Subcontractor List7MaterialReplacementReport8PPAP Approval Report for Subcontractors9DFMEAIf supplier has design responsibility10Process Flow (Workstation No. should be con 43、forma...