The online patient report scheme was set up in January 2011, and continued until December 2011, and it was linked to the main page of the Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA). To call for patient reports, a message was shown on the PMDA website. The pilot...
Habibian and Kermanshah, 2011 M. Habibian, M. Kermanshah Exploring the role of transportation demand management policies’ interactions Sci. Iran., 18 (5) (2011), pp. 1037-1044, 10.1016/J.SCIENT.2011.09.005 View PDFView articleView in ScopusGoogle Scholar Hair et al., 2010 Hair, J. F...
This technical diversity results in large variation in the antimicrobial efficiency of the respective plasma (Ehlbeck et al., 2011). It also determines whether treatment conditions suitable for application on fresh produce can be found for the different plasma sources (Baier et al., 2014). Some ...
·研究报告· 生物技术通报 BIOTECHNOLOGY BULLETIN 2016, 32(10):180-187 掌叶半夏凝集素基因 PPA2 抗蚜功能分析 刘玎1,2 陈劲1,2 刘志1 朱生伟2 (1. 湖南农业大学生物科学技术学院,长沙 410128 ;2. 中国科学院植物研究所植物分子与生理学重点实验室,北京 100093) 摘要 : 掌叶半夏凝集素(...
PPANJ REQUEST FOR VIDEO OR CDIntroduction to Tim Kekky fine portraiture Tim KellyCreating the fine art portraitTom Sullivan
In December 2011, the preliminary SHF criteria were discussed with 14 self-help representatives in a workshop. Result were five quality criteria which were tested in a pilot project with two rehabilitation hospitals. The participating SHGs in the project were: the Interest Group of Contergan ...
Continue reading... To view the rest of this content please follow the download PDF link above.Over 8.5 million scientific documents at your fingertips Browse by Discipline Architecture & Design Astronomy Biomedical Sciences Business & Management Chemistry Computer Science Earth Sciences & ...
{}, author = {{European Commision}}, month = sep, year = {2021}, pages = {61}, } @techreport{european_commision_energy_...
GENSCENT○R --- Optical Brightener 宝润化工 Characterization Chemical Name Molecular Weight: CAS NO. Physical properties (typical values) GENSCENT OB Fluorescent Whitening Agent GENSCENT OB is a fluorescent whitening agent that provides: brilliant bluish whitening effects, excellent heat resistance, high...
5G 模组 MH5000-82 5G 模组 MH5000-82 采用紫光展锐春藤 510 芯片,核心器件包括主芯片, PMU,射频等国产自主可控;支持 NSA/SA 双模,帮助行业客户灵活接入不 同 5G 模式网络,支持中国 5G SA 网络建设;4G/5G 全兼容,直接同步 5G 网络覆盖节奏,保护客户设备投资.5G NR 上下行速率(单 CC,100M,8:2...