Parallel to this practice-oriented developmental research, from 2008 to 2011, a research project with the title "Self-Help Friend- liness as a Quality Concept" was carried out. The project was funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) as part of a larger project...
molecules Article [18F]FEPPA a TSPO Radioligand: Optimized Radiosynthesis and Evaluation as a PET Radiotracer for Brain Inflammation in a Peripheral LPS-Injected Mouse Model Nicolas Vignal 1,2, Salvatore Cisternino 2,3, Nathalie Rizzo-Padoin 1,2, Carine San 1 ID , Fortune Hontonnou 4, ...
lFolwowchcahratrtoof fththeessyysstteemmaattiicc rreevviieeww pprroocceessss.. 3. R3e. sRuelstsults In Itnottaol,ta2l,722072p0upbulibslhisehdedpappaepresrs(1(2112414frforommPPssyyccIInnffoo;; 884499 ffrroomm SSccooppuuss;; aanndd665577frforommWWebebofof ScieSnciceen)cew) ewreereppoo...
PPeerrcceennttaaggee rreepprreesseennttss ccoommbbiinneedd aannsswweerrss ""iimmppoorrttaanntt"" aanndd ""vveerryy iimmppoorrttaanntt"".. 3.2.3. Parents' Perception of Children's Access to Greenspace 3.2.3. Parents' Perception of Children's Access to Greenspace When asked how ...