因為通配符比對是由PowerShell引擎處理,因此接受通配符的所有 Cmdlet 都會使用相同的表示法,而且具有相同的比對行為。 PowerShell 通配符表示法包括: 星號(*) 會比對任何字元的零個或多個專案。 問號(?) 完全符合一個字元。 左括弧 ([) 字元和右括弧 (]) 字元圍繞一組要比對的字元。
New-Item-PathRegistry::HKCU\Software_DeleteMe 刪除金鑰 刪除專案基本上與所有提供者相同。 下列命令會以無訊息方式移除專案: PowerShell Remove-Item-PathHKCU:\Software_DeleteMeRemove-Item-Path'HKCU:\key with spaces in the name' 拿掉特定金鑰下的所有金鑰 ...
Cool, huh? Test-Path also works with variables, certificates, aliases, and functions. For example:Copy Test-Path Alias:\gci And it works with the registry as well, albeit only with registry keys and not with the actual values contained in those keys:...
If you run the sections individually, it works and the registry keys are created. If you run the script as a whole - not a single registry entry is created and there is no error output. I've already tried it with and without a transaction... ...
If you only have a single computer upon which you need to create one or more new registry keys, it is probably easiest to enter a remote Windows PowerShell session. Doing this provides you with the equivalent experience of opening the Windows PowerShell console and working...
Windows フォルダー内の項目と、サブフォルダー内に含まれる項目の両方を表示するには、Get-ChildItemのRecurseパラメーターを使用します。 一覧には、Windows フォルダー内のすべて、およびそのサブフォルダー内の項目が表示されます。 次に例を示します。
The newly created registry key with default value is shown in the image that follows. LL, that is all there is to creating a new registry key. Registry Week will continue tomorrow when I will talk about modifying registry keys by using Windows PowerShell. ...
Using theInvoke-Commandcmdlet to create remote registry keys: Store the server names in a variable. Store the connection credentials in a variable (use theGet-Credentialcmdlet to obtain the credentials). Use theInvoke-Commandcmdlet to run the command against the remote machines. Place the command...
Here's the output of the registry key compare: For manual created MSIPC key causing the problem: LastWriteTime : 10/09/2021 06:07:32 TitleIndex : 0 Name : MSIPC Class : SubKeys : 0 ValueCount : 0 Flags : None VirtualizationCandidate : False VirtualizationEnabled : False VirtualTarget : ...
For example, if you are in theC:drive, you can use this parameter to find your current location in the drives of the PowerShellRegistryprovider. Type:String[] Position:Named Default value:None Required:False Accept pipeline input:True