Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey 'The network path was not found.' [PowerShell] Disable File and Print Sharing on Public and Private Network Category [powershell] Help Deleting Rows in an excel document [PowerShell] How to change Windows ...
此时需要使用的不再是FilesystemAccessRule,而是RegistryAccessRule,两者的根本区别在于可以设置不同的访问权限。在注册表访问规则(RegistryAccessRule)中,权限的枚举值并不和文件系统访问规则(FilesystemAccessRule)中的枚举值对应: [System.Enum]::GetNames([System.Security.AccessControl.RegistryRights] 1、接管所有权 在尝...
# 批量导出注册表项Export-Registry-Path"HKCU:\Software"-OutputPath"C:\Backup\RegistryBackup.reg"# 批量导入注册表项Import-Registry-Path"C:\Backup\RegistryBackup.reg"# 批量修改注册表项$items=Get-ChildItem-Path"HKCU:\Software\MyApp"foreach($itemin$items) {Set-ItemProperty-Path$item.PSPath-Name"...
命令Get-ChildItem會接受要列出之項目路徑中的通配符。 因為通配符比對是由PowerShell引擎處理,因此接受通配符的所有 Cmdlet 都會使用相同的表示法,而且具有相同的比對行為。 PowerShell 通配符表示法包括: 星號(*) 會比對任何字元的零個或多個專案。 問號(?) 完全符合一個字元。
It is easy to change add registry keys and values. You can use theNew-Itemcmdlet to create any key in any registry hive. Once you create the key, you can useNew-ItemPropertyto set a registry value entry. Tip of the Hat I based this article on one written for the earlier Script...
(Get-ItemC:\Windows).LastAccessTime Example 6: Show the contents of a registry key This example shows the contents of theMicrosoft.PowerShellregistry key. You can use this cmdlet with the PowerShell Registry provider to get registry keys and subkeys, but you must use theGet-ItemPropertycmdlet...
PS> [System.Enum]::GetNames([System.Security.AccessControl.RegistryRights] QueryValues SetValue CreateSubKey EnumerateSubKeys Notify CreateLink Delete ReadPermissions WriteKey ExecuteKey ReadKey ChangePermissions TakeOwnership FullControl 1. 2. 3.
If you run the sections individually, it works and the registry keys are created. If you run the script as a whole - not a single registry entry is created and there is no error output. I've already tried it with and without a transaction... ...
Using theInvoke-Commandcmdlet to create remote registry keys: Store the server names in a variable. Store the connection credentials in a variable (use theGet-Credentialcmdlet to obtain the credentials). Use theInvoke-Commandcmdlet to run the command against the remote machines....