節點中的 WSMan:<ComputerName>MaxTimeoutMs 設定,以及節點中的 WSMan:<ComputerName>\ServiceEnumerationTimeoutMs 和MaxPacketRetrievalTimeSeconds 設定。 您可以使用 Cmdlet 和$PSSessionOption喜好設定變數的 New-PSSessionOptionCancelTimeout、IdleTimeout、OpenTimeout 和OperationTimeout 參數來保護本機計...
// Create trigger enabled// Create a parameter dictionary that defines the PowerShell job.// For this example we will create a simple script that runs for// 5 seconds generating output.// Here are the parameters supported to define the PowerShell job.//...
Specifies the maximum wait time for each job, in seconds. The default value, -1, indicates that the cmdlet waits until the job finishes. The timing starts when you submit the Wait-Job command, not the Start-Job command. If this time is exceeded, the wait ends and execution continues, ...
1#创建一个等待1s的后台任务2$WaitJob1=Start-Job-ScriptBlock{Sleep-Seconds10}3#创建一个等待5s的后台任务4$WaitJob2=Start-Job-ScriptBlock{Sleep-Seconds15}5#等待两个Job完成6Wait-Job-Job $WaitJob1,$WaitJob2-Timeout2 Id Name PSJobTypeName State HasMoreData Location Command -- --- --- --...
In this example, Wait-Process waits 30 seconds for the Outlook and Winword processes to stop. If both processes are not stopped, the cmdlet displays a non-terminating error and the command prompt.PowerShell Копіювати Wait-Process -Name outlook, winword -Timeout 30...
Test-Connection [-TargetName] <string[]> [-Ping] [-IPv4] [-IPv6] [-ResolveDestination] [-Source <string>] [-MaxHops <int>] [-Count <int>] [-Delay <int>] [-BufferSize <int>] [-DontFragment] [-Quiet] [-TimeoutSeconds <int>] [<CommonParameters>]Power...
$msiPath="C:\Path\To\Your\mysql-9.0.0-winx64.msi"$logPath="C:\Path\To\Your\install.log"# 启动安装过程Start-Processmsiexec.exe-ArgumentList"/i `"$msiPath`" /quiet /qn /norestart /log `"$logPath`""-NoNewWindow-Wait# 等待安装完成Start-Sleep-Seconds5# 检查日志文件if(Test-Path$log...
Wait 22 seconds Windows PowerShell Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Try the new cross-platform PowerShell https://aka.ms/pscore6 PS C:\Users\My Name Here> _ This also happened with Windows Defender but I noticed with Windows defender, if I disabled realtime protecti...
#3.使进程等待(关闭)Wait-Process-Id5600Wait-Process-Name notepad-Timeout10#4.停止进程(spps/kill)Stop-Process-ID7960Stop-Process-Name notepad-Force #强制结束 -Services 服务常用的cmdlet命令: 代码语言:javascript 复制 >(Get-Command*-Service).Name ...
Wait-Job -Job $jobs foreach ($job in $jobs) { Receive-Job -Job $job }示例9:跳过标头验证默认情况下,Invoke-WebRequest cmdlet 验证具有标准定义值格式的已知标头的值。 以下示例演示了此验证如何引发错误,以及如何使用 SkipHeaderValidation 参数来避免验证容忍无效格式值的终结点的值。Power...