Measure-Command{$test='PSCustomObject'for($i=0;$i-lt100000;$i++) {$resultObject= [PSCustomObject]@{ Name ='Name'Path ='FullName'} } } |Select-Object@{n='Test';e={$test}},TotalSecondsMeasure-Command{$test='New-Object'for($i=0;$i-lt100000;$i++) {$resultObject=New-Objec...
它执行一个 PowerShell 命令,每分钟输出一个数字,持续 10 分钟。 PowerShell复制 powershell.exe-Command{$i=1while($i-le10) {Write-Output-InputObject$iStart-Sleep-Seconds60$i++ } } 查看进程 PowerShell 正在执行的命令正文存储在Win32_Process类的 CommandLine 属性中。 如果命令为编码命令,Co...
object.Popup(strText,[nSecondsToWait],[strTitle],[nType]) 1. 选项: strText ⇒ 消息窗口所包含的文本信息; nSecondsToWait ⇒ 等待n秒后该窗口自动关闭,如设置为0,则永不会自动关闭; strTitle ⇒ 消息窗口的标题; nType ⇒ 消息窗口的按钮类型及其图标 窗口按钮类型: 0 ⇒ 显示“确定”按钮...
Specify the number of seconds before the destination computer restarts. The default is 60 seconds. Utvid tabell Type: Int32 Position: Named Default value: None Required: False Accept pipeline input: False Accept wildcard characters: False -Name Specify a name for this step to identify it in ...
Specifies the maximum time, in seconds, that Wait-Event waits for the event to occur. The default, -1, waits indefinitely. The timing starts when you submit the Wait-Event command. If the specified time is exceeded, the wait ends and the command prompt returns, even if the event has ...
Example 1: Wait for all jobsPowerShell Copy Get-Job | Wait-Job This command waits for all of the jobs running in the session to finish.Example 2: Wait for jobs started on remote computers by using Start-JobPowerShell Copy $s = New-PSSession Server01, Server02, Server03 Invoke-...
PowerShell is a great tool that can be used to launch UWP Applications within seconds. But the main thing lies in the proper execution of a command. You can use Start-Process "ms-settings:" the command to launch the Windows Settings UWP Application. You can learn more about other URIs fo...
Add the new SDK for Microsoft Graph v1.0 module to your project. You can have a side-by-side installation by running the following command in the Package Manager Console or replace the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK installed by removing -AllowClobber: ...
Figure 1 The Windows Service Control Manager GUI in Windows 10 There are also command-line interfaces to the SCM: The old net.exe tool, with its well-known “net start” and “net stop” commands, dates from as far back as MS-DOS! Despite its name, it can be used to start and sto...
s because there are some outside factors that come into play here. For example, the operating system imposes minimum and maximum values when it comes to displaying items in the notification area; typically a notice must remain onscreen for at least 10 seconds but no more than 30 seconds. ...