Like Command Prompt,Windows PowerShellis a command-line tool that can be used to run basic administrative tasks like installing, configuring, and uninstalling software, performing some troubleshooting tasks using scripts, etc. Tips: If you are interested in the difference between Command Prompt and P...
%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\ %SYSTEMROOT%\System32\OpenSSH\ It did not contain the paths, so they could not execute the commands, thank you for suggesting that the issue could have arisen from environment variables Correct: Correct "path" Incorrect:...
Connect-MSGraph$DeviceGroup=Read-Host-Prompt"Please provide the AAD group object ID"$DeviceList= Get-Groups_Members-groupId$DeviceGroup-Selectid,deviceId,displayName|get-MSGraphAllpages$AllIntuneDevices=Get-IntuneManagedDevice-selectid,operatingSystem,azureADDeviceId-Filter"contains...
As the Microsoft Store app depends on .NET Framework, .NET Runtime, Microsoft.UI.Xaml, and VC Libs, download the latest packages of each item listed. Be sure to download the correct ones matching thebitness(x86 vs. x64) of your Windows 10. Now, you would have downloaded these five App...
But here's where it gets tricky. I want to be able to launch the nano editor and open a text file from Windows. In Linux, I can run a command like this: nano/home/jeff/file.txt If I try something like this from my PowerShell prompt: ...
Executing command line: Run command line Create a process under given user token Exception calling "FindOne" with "0" argument(s): "Unknown error (0x80005000)" Process completed with exit code 1 Command line Powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -file .\scripts\SetComputerDesc.ps1 "VardsUzv...
Spiceworks, and Reddit today are but a few places you can get great PowerShell help. It's opened up third-party publishing. You've got millions of downloads comingfrom PS Galleryto the community. There's just an openness there which is all about how to solve pro...
Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window) Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window)Make working with types in PowerShell easier with TypePx October 8, 2014 Kirk Munro1 Comment It is often the little things in life that make a big difference. 1.week.ago Isn’t...
This reddit thread sees a discussion of the most popular free office suites. This reddit post comments on some office suites from a writer's perspective. I know most people use Microsoft Office. However, and despite the upcoming critizism on the software and its developers, OnlyOffice provides...
Executing command line: Run command line Create a process under given user token Exception calling "FindOne" with "0" argument(s): "Unknown error (0x80005000)" Process completed with exit code 1 Command line Powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -file .\scripts\SetComputerDesc.ps1 "VardsUzv...