Cmd has served us all well for almost 30 years now, and will continue to do so for a long time to come. But, WHILE CMD IS NOT BEING REMOVED FROM WINDOWS ANYTIME SOON (if ever), the reality is that PowerShell is a far, FAR more powerful shell than Cmd could ever be. Hence Power...
You can test the script by running the below line in powershell and your adapter should reset.Write-EventLog -LogName System -Source Netwtw10 -EntryType Error -EventId 5005 -Message "Test Event"Hopefully Intel fixes this issue in a future driver release but I don't...
I am not sure whether I have done the path right (whether I have found the right executables). But the first error I encountered is a permission error because WindowsApp folder is protected hidden folder. I have used the -RunLevel Highest but seems not effective. Here is the scr...
Do you have any software installed - on all of those affected laptop computers, but NOT on other computers which you have which are NOT affected - that might conceivably be "interesting" from the point of view of having keyboard intercept functions which might interact oddly...
cmd.exe was created on a Windows 7 computer at some point in the past. I think the issue lies with the shortcut. I deleted the shortcuts to Windows PowerShell (CMD underneath) in the redirected Start menu and recreated them from the actual executable from ...
cmd.exe was created on a Windows 7 computer at some point in the past. I think the issue lies with the shortcut. I deleted the shortcuts to Windows PowerShell (CMD underneath) in the redirected Start menu and recreated them from the actual executable from the computer...
Do you have any software installed - on all of those affected laptop computers, but NOT on other computers which you have which are NOT affected - that might conceivably be "interesting" from the point of view of having keyboard intercept functions which might interact oddly...