默认只有 AD FS 管理员可以通过 PowerShell 执行 AD FS 管理。 对于许多大型组织来说,在处理其他角色(如技术支持人员)时,这可能不是可行的操作模型。借助Just Enough Administration (JEA),客户现可将特定 commandlet 的权限委托给不同的人员组。此用例的一个很好的示例是允许技术支持人员查询 AD FS 帐户锁定状态...
How to parse out the DC value from distinguishedname entry in the adgroupmember commandlet How to parse text file (.eml) to get index of line, that contains Subject, From field, and base64 decoded Body How to pass a Function to a scriptblock How to Pass a GUID as a parameter to Po...
Powershell version 6.1removed this commandlet, so it is no longer built-in. Instead, you need to install theClipboardText package. In Powershell's console type: Install-Module -Name ClipboardText Then you can use: Set-ClipboardText"hello clipboard"Get-ClipboardText ...
Version : OEMC - 300 SMBIOSBIOSVersion : 3.11.0950 Manufacturer : American Megatrends Inc. Name : 3.11.0950 SerialNumber : 017349452253 Version : OEMC - 300 另外,3.0以后增加了get-ciminstance 的commandlet,这个是用来替代get-wmiobject,而且他支持管道,比如, 查看所有2008 R2 上次重启的时间 1 2 PS...
Version : OEMC - 300 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 另外,3.0以后增加了get-ciminstance 的commandlet,这个是用来替代get-wmiobject,而且他支持管道,比如, 查看所有2008 R2 上次重启的时间 PS C:\windows\system32> get-adcomputer -filter {operatingsystem...
Commandlet allows you to rerun a specific failed update run. Note that there is a requirement that the update version is strictly greater than the current version.Parameters-ConfirmPrompts you for confirmation before running the cmdlet. 展開表格 Type: System.Management.Automation.SwitchParameter...
I don't know any native commandlet in PowerShell, but you can use a COM object instead: $WshShell = New-Object -COMObject WScript.Shell $Shortcut = $WshShell.CreateShortcut("$Home\Desktop\ColorPix.lnk") $Shortcut.TargetPath = "%SystemDrive%\Program Files (x86)\ColorPix\ColorPix.exe" $...
Get-Command*clipboard*CommandTypeNameVersionSource---CmdletGet-Clipboard7.0.0.0Microsoft.PowerShell.ManagementCmdletSet-Clipboard7.0.0.0Microsoft.PowerShell.Management To populate the clipboard with a directory structure, as an example, I can execute the following line Copy PS>Get-Childitem|Set-Clipboard...
Powershell Core adds a few new parameters to the Enter-PSsession commandlet, -Hostname, -SSHTransport, -Keyfile, and -Subsystem. Note that you cannot use -computername in combination with -SSHTransport. An example of Remoting is shown below. ...