Get-Command-Name*service* 當您搭配 Name參數Get-Command使用通配符時,它會傳回 PowerShell 命令和原生命令,如下列結果所示。 Output CommandType Name Version --- --- --- Function Get-NetFirewallServiceFilter Function Set-NetFirewallServiceFilter Cmdlet Get-Service Cmdlet New-...
PowerShell $Cred=Get-CredentialInvoke-Command$s{Remove-Item.\Test*.ps1-Credential$using:Cred} 範圍using修飾詞是在 PowerShell 3.0 中引進的。 另請參閱 about_Variables about_Environment_Variables about_Functions about_Script_Blocks Start-ThreadJob...
PowerShell Team on Twitter PowerShell news 280 characters at a time GitHub Issues The place for bugs in the current releaseEnglish (United States) Your Privacy Choices Theme Manage cookies Previous Versions Blog Contribute Privacy Terms of Use Trademarks © Microsoft 2024...
WSManStackVersion(WSMan 协议堆栈版本): 3.0 PSRemotingProtocolVersion(远程管理协议版本): 2.3 SerializationVersion(序列化版本): 这段输出展示了$PSVersionTable命令在PowerShell中的执行结果,以下是每个字段的功能说明: PSVersion: 显示当前PowerShell的主版本号。在这个例子中,版本号为5.1.20348.2227,表明...
Get-Command-NounU* 此外,还可以组合参数来缩小搜索范围,例如: PowerShell Get-Command-VerbGet-NounU* Output CommandType Name Version Source --- --- --- --- Cmdlet Get-UICulture Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility Cmdlet Get-Unique Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility Cmdlet Get-Uptime
These cmdlets (pronounced "command-lets") are built right into Windows PowerShell. (For a look at some of the most useful cmdlets to get you started using Windows PowerShell, see the sidebar "Top 10 Cmdlets to Start Using Immediately".)...
The version of powershell currently installed on this host is less than the required minimum version. Please upgrade the installed version of powershell to the minimum required version and run the command again. Installed version: 2 Minimum required version: 3 ...
Please upgrade the installed version of powershell to the minimum required version and run the command again.版权声明:本文为博主原创文章,转载请注明出处。谢谢 我的系统是windows 7 安装了vagrant,当运行vagrant up时,没反应,如图: 软件版本: 系统: ...
我并不是很熟悉什么是PowerShell,但是有种直觉是:如果想在Windows中使用系统自带的功能取代bash shell,PowerShell或许是比DOS批处理更好的选择。不过,从头开始再来一门编程语言或许还是个不小的挑战。
When the Command Shell is started, it creates a drive named Monitoring, maps the drive to the root of OperationsManagerMonitoring provider, and finally sets the current location or path to the root of the Monitoring drive. The Command Shell then searches the registry for the name of the ...