Use the $PROFILE variable. 包含特殊字元的變數名稱 變數名稱開頭為貨幣 ()$符號,而且可以包含英數位元和特殊字元。 變數名稱長度只受限於可用的記憶體。 最佳做法是變數名稱只包含英數位元和底線 (_) 字元。 包含空格和其他特殊字元的變數名稱很難使用,而且應該避免。
Base class for all variable commands. Because -Scope is defined in VariableCommandBase, all derived commands must implement -Scope.C++ 複製 public ref class VariableCommandBase abstract : System::Management::Automation::PSCmdletInheritance Object InternalCommand Cmdlet PSCmdlet VariableCommandBase ...
InformationAction 的有效值為 SilentlyContinue、Stop、Continue、Inquire、Ignore 或 Suspend,預設值為 SilentlyContinue。 針對來自命令的 Write-Host 資料,您可使用 InformationVariable 將字串指定為要儲存的變數名稱。 InformationPreference (新的喜好設定變數) 能指定您在 Windows PowerShell 工作階段中針對資訊串流資料...
若要查看Get-PSDrivecmdlet 的语法,请使用Get-Command参数键入Get-Command命令: PowerShell Get-Command-NameGet-PSDrive-Syntax Output Get-PSDrive [[-Name] <String[]>] [-Scope <String>] [-PSProvider <String[]>] [-V erbose] [-Debug] [-ErrorAction <ActionPreference>] [-ErrorVariable <String>]...
Provide an argument that is not null or empty, and then try the command again. CannotConnect,PSSessionStateBroken Cant access a fileshare through a remote PS Session Cant make work with variable in Get-ADuser command to get UPN Cant return string for msExchMailboxGUID Cant use dfsutil in ...
-InputObject <ServiceController[]> Specifies ServiceController objects representing the services to be started. Enter a variable that contains the objects, or type a command or expression that gets the objects. Required? true Position? 0 Default value None Accept pipeline input? True (ByValue) Accep...
Inside my function, I've retrieved the Win32_OperatingSystem information and stored it in the variable $wmi. Using that information is as simple as referring to properties of $wmi. For example, to get the BuildNumber property, I would use this:...
(Dedicated readers will remember that I discussed the PROCESS script block in the July 2008 installment of this column, available at The special $_ variable will automatically populate with the pipeline input—as long as I'm piping in computer ...
# Useful when you want to keep things in script scope, or share them out in global scope $global:a = 1 # Complex variable names # Useful if you have a variable with the name ${Yahoo!Id} ${a} = 1 # Using the Set-Variable cmdlet ...
We do use the GPO and there is nothing in there that turns off caching as you would do in developer mode, and there is no settings in there that allow for a hard restriction on the size of the cache. Instead a command has been added to the Chrome shortcut that is supposed to restri...