$script:var = "Modified from function" 最佳做法是避免在范围之间修改变量,因为这样做可能会导致混淆。 相反,将脚本范围变量设置为等于函数的输出。 如果函数中的数据位于变量中,则可以使用 Return() 将其传递回脚本。下面是在函数末尾使用 Return() 将变量值传递回脚本范围的示例:PowerShell 复制 ...
ComputerName Verbose Debug ErrorAction WarningAction InformationAction ErrorVariable WarningVariable InformationVariable OutVariable OutBuffer PipelineVariable SupportsShouldProcessSupportsShouldProcess 会添加 WhatIf 和 Confirm 参数。 只有做出更改的命令需要这些参数。PowerShell 复制 ...
'Use the $PROFILE variable.' Output 複製 Use the $PROFILE variable. 包含特殊字元的變數名稱變數名稱以貨幣 ($) 符號開頭,可以包含英數位元和特殊字元。 變數名稱長度只受限於可用的記憶體。最佳做法是變數名稱只包含英數位元和底線 (_) 字元。 包含空格和其他特殊字元的變數名稱難以使用,因此應避...
As a security feature, PowerShell doesn't run executable commands, including PowerShell scripts and native commands, unless the command is located in a path listed in the $env:Path environment variable. To run an executable file that's in the current directory, specify the full path or use ...
InformationAction 的有效值為 SilentlyContinue、Stop、Continue、Inquire、Ignore 或 Suspend,預設值為 SilentlyContinue。 針對來自命令的 Write-Host 資料,您可使用 InformationVariable 將字串指定為要儲存的變數名稱。 InformationPreference (新的喜好設定變數) 能指定您在 Windows PowerShell 工作階段中針對資訊串流資料...
# check if ANDROID_NDK environment variable is not set if(-not$env:ANDROID_NDK) { $env:ANDROID_NDK="D:/soft/android-ndk/r21e" } $TOOLCHAIN="${env:ANDROID_NDK}/build/cmake/android.toolchain.cmake" Write-Host"ANDROID_NDK is:$env:ANDROID_NDK" ...
How can I create aReadOnlyvariable in Windows PowerShell? Use theSet-Variablecmdlet to create aReadOnlyvariable, and specifyReadOnlyfor theOptionparameter, and you can specify a description for the variable: Set-Variable -Name myvariable -Value “value” -Description “mred variable” -...
Windows PowerShell will use the String data type to store the value. In .NET Framework terms, that's the System.String class, which has perhaps the most built-in functionality of any variable type. If, say, I want to see an all-lowercase version of the value in $var, I can do this...
/How to call a function in another PowerShell script #TYPE System.Data.DataRow Is 1st line of SSMS To CSV %username% variable in Powershell + CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:String) [], RemoteException <' operator is reserved for future use $_ '-msDS-cloudExtensionAttribute1' attribute not...
The output information is stored in the $users variable. Just type $users at your PowerShell command prompt to view the results, as shown in Table 4, that are returned from the Get-LdapFilteredUsers function. Copy $users Table 4. Results from the LdapFilteredUsers function Expand table ...