If you want to uninstall a single program via PowerShell, use the Get-Package Commands. Run the below command on PowerShell to perform the process."Uninstall-Package-Name"Example:PS> winget listPS> Uninstall-Package -Name WebExHere the Winget list commands reveal the list of all programs and...
按照提示操作,完成后程序将被删除。 运行程序的uninstall.exe 文件 一些应用程序带有卸载程序文件。要找到此文件,您需要浏览文件资源管理器并导航到应用程序的 EXE 文件所在的文件路径。可以找到uninstall.exe 文件。 双击卸载文件开始程序删除过程。 使用命令提示符卸载程序 卸载程序的另一种很酷的方法是使用命令提示符。
我正在尝试全面卸载Autodesk的各种卸载。使用wmic,我可以通过执行以下操作来获得大部分卸载: wmic product where "name like 'auto%%'" call uninstall 但这仍然留下了一堆安装的应用程序。然后我尝试使用powershell,我可以使用以下命令找到剩余的安装程序: Get-ItemProperty HKLM:\Software\Wow6432Node\Mic 浏览31提问...
You can uninstall providers loaded by other modules. You can unload a provider from the current session using the Remove-Module cmdlet. This cmdlet doesn't uninstall the provider, but it makes the provider unavailable in the session. You can also use the Remove-PSDrive cmdlet to remove any ...
Once on this screen, you should see Azure PowerShell or Microsoft Azure PowerShell - Month Year in the program listing. This is the app to uninstall. If you don't see this program listed, then you installed through PowerShellGet, and should follow the next set of instructions....
If you installed the AzureRM PowerShell module using the MSI package, you must uninstall through the Windows system rather than PowerShell. PlatformInstructions Windows 10Start > Settings > Apps Windows 7 Windows 8Start > Control Panel > Programs > Uninstall a program ...
Get-SPWebPartPack Install-SPWebPartPack Uninstall-SPWebPartPack Get-SPWebTemplate Install-SPWebTemplate Set-SPWebTemplate Uninstall-SPWebTemplate Get-SPWorkflowConfig Set-SPWorkflowConfig 备注 还有另一个 cmdlet 与 Get-Command 相似,它可帮助您处理 cmdlet,您可能会发现它很有用,尤其是在创建您自己的...
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\74.0.3729.131\Installer\setup.exe" --uninstall --system-level --verbose-logging 这就是我们要运行的卸载命令,有些软件只有执行文件,并不带参数,如Teamviewer 只有一个Uninstall.exe,我们可以使用Uninstall.exe /S进行静默卸载!
If you installed the AzureRM PowerShell module using the MSI package, you must uninstall through the Windows system rather than PowerShell. PlatformInstructions Windows 10Start > Settings > Apps Windows 7 Windows 8Start > Control Panel > Programs > Uninstall a program ...
Set-SPWebTemplate Uninstall-SPWebTemplate Get-SPWorkflowConfig Set-SPWorkflowConfig 备注 还有另一个 cmdlet 与 Get-Command 相似,它可帮助您处理 cmdlet,您可能会发现它很有用,尤其是在创建自己命令或脚本时。它就是 Measure-Command cmdlet。利用该命令,您可以估量运行 cmdlet 或脚本所需的时间。您...