计算机\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall 在“卸载”文件夹下可以找到一长串密钥。其中一些键具有名称,这使得它们易于识别。有些只是字母数字字符串。对于这些,您可以单击它们并检查 DisplayName 以查看它是哪个程序。 选择要卸载的程序后,在右侧窗格中找到“UninstallString”值。双击...
Fix 1. Uninstall Single Program Using Get-Package CommandsIf you want to uninstall a single program via PowerShell, use the Get-Package Commands. Run the below command on PowerShell to perform the process."Uninstall-Package-Name"Example:
the next order of business is to locate the listing for the application that you want to uninstall. You will need to find the application's exact name as displayed within PowerShell. (I will be the first to admit that the list that PowerShell generates can be a bit overwhelming, even on...
This will display all the packages that have “XAMPP” in their names. You can then use the Uninstall-Package command to remove them one by one or in bulk. You can use the next command to uninstall the XAMPP program: Uninstall-Package-NameXAMPP This will uninstall the package from your co...
Click OK, and let the program complete the process to uninstall PowerShell 3] Disable PowerShell using DISM Recommended videos Powered byAnyClip Windows 11 Problems, Issues with solutions, and fixes Video Player is loading. This is a modal window. ...
Once on this screen, you should see Azure PowerShell or Microsoft Azure PowerShell - Month Year in the program listing. This is the app to uninstall. If you don't see this program listed, then you installed through PowerShellGet, and should follow the next set of instructions.Uninstall...
QuickTricks: How to bulk uninstall agents in OpsMgr 2012 by name in PowerShell (#SCOM, #PowerShell, #SYSCTR) http://blogs.catapultsystems.com/cfuller/archive/2012/06/21/quicktricks-how-to-bulk-uninstall-agents-in-opsmgr-2012-by-name-in-powershell-scom-powershell-sysctr.aspx ...
If Uninstall-Module didn't succeed, delete all the folders that start with Azure, Az, or Azs from the $env:PSModulePath locations. For Windows PowerShell, the locations might be C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules and C:\Users\{yourusername}\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules. For Po...
Type the following command and replace thePackageFullNamewith the value you copied or saved to uninstall a single app and pressEnter:Remove-AppxPackage <PackageFullName> If you want to remove the program from the current user account, copy & paste the following command after replacing theApp_Na...
Here’s the sequence of operations performed by the -Setup switch processing: Uninstall any previous instance, if any. Create the installation directory if needed. (This isn’t needed for the default: C:\Windows\System32.) Copy the service script into the installation directory. ...