wusa /uninstall /kb:updateID Notice: Replace the update ID in the command with the ID of the update that needs to be uninstalled. For example, wusa /uninstall /kb:5025239 After running the above command, a pop-up window will appear "Do you want to uninstall the following Windows...
}if($KBID -match"Security") {if($HotFix.Description -match"Security") { $KBSecurity= $HotFix.HotfixId.Replace("KB","") $RemovalCommand="wusa.exe /uninstall /kb:$KBSecurity /quiet /norestart"Write-Host"Removing Security Update $KBSecurity from the target."Invoke-Expression $RemovalCommand ...
}if($KBID -match"Security") {if($HotFix.Description -match"Security") { $KBSecurity= $HotFix.HotfixId.Replace("KB","") $RemovalCommand="wusa.exe /uninstall /kb:$KBSecurity /quiet /norestart"Write-Host"Removing Security Update $KBSecurity from the target."Invoke-Expression $RemovalCommand ...
If the update is causing issues on the computer, the only solution is to uninstall that problematic update. Your first goal is to find the update(s) that is causing issues when you update your Windows 10/11 computers. By looking at the updates that were installed on a particular date, yo...
AD and Powershell: How to retrieve the employeeid attribute AD attribute update of bulk user object from TXT file which contains samaccountname AD DACL: Set-ACL Fails with This security ID may not be assigned as the owner of this object AD Module for Windows PowerShell - Insufficient Access...
https://www.powershellgallery.com/packages/pswindowsupdate If you have Powershell verison 5, you can install the module from the powershell gallery by running: Install-module PSWindowsUpdate Before you can run any commands, you need to import the windows update module: ...
Uninstall-WindowsUpdate: Removes updates using the Remove-WindowsUpdate command. Get-WULastResults: Gets the dates for the last search and installation of updates. Get-WURebootStatus: Checks if a reboot is needed to apply an update. Remove-WUServiceManager: Disables the Windows Update Service Mana...
PowerShell: Uninstall windows hotfixes(updates) by TechiBee on August 12, 2011 Are you in need of a script which uninstall patches from both local and remote computers? You landed at right place. Today I came across a question in one of the forum asking for a way to uninstall patches/...
使用 CI ( 例如 GitHub Actions ) 自动部署 Hexo 会导致所有文章 更新于 时间统一变成 GitHub Actions...
Windows update technology do not support out of order uninstalls ie., 1. Install Update A + Install Update B + Install Update C. 2. To uninstall Update A, the supported way to uninstall A is -> Uninstall C + Uninstall B then Uninstall A. ...