{ Start-Sleep3Write-Host"Waiting for update removal to finish ..."} } } Remove-Update
{ Start-Sleep3Write-Host"Waiting for update removal to finish ..."} } } Remove-Update
Download-WindowsUpdate(别名 Get-WindowsUpdate –Download)——获取更新列表并下载它们; Get-WUInstall、Install-WindowsUpdate(别名Get-WindowsUpdate –Install)——安装 Windows 更新; Hide-WindowsUpdate(别名Get-WindowsUpdate -Hide:$false)——隐藏更新; Uninstall-WindowsUpdate – 使用 Remove-WindowsUpdate 删除更...
How can I delete "to recycle bin" in powershell instead of remove item ? How can I Do... Update Extension attribute how can i empty all user profile recycle bin How can I ensure a string within a foreach loop outputs a given length (bounds checking) How can I evaluate the state of...
InstalledBy: The user account that installed the update. InstalledOn: The date on which the update was installed. Step 2: From the list of installed updates, make a note of the hotfix ID that you wish to remove. Next, in the PowerShell window, run the below command to uninstall the up...
Remove-WUServiceManager: Disables the Windows Update Service Manager. Set-PSWUSettings: Saves settings of the PSWindowsUpdate module to an XML file. Set-WUSettings: Configures the Windows Update client’s settings. Reset-WUComponents: Resets the Windows Update agent to its default state. Like for...
可以方便地禁用或恢复 Windows 更新配置。 .PARAMETER SortBy 指定Get-ConfigurationStatus 函数排序的属性名称,默认为"Name"。 .PARAMETER FilterConfigured 如果指定,Get-ConfigurationStatus 只返回配置状态为"未配置"的结果。 .EXAMPLE PS> Restore-WindowsUpdateConfiguration ...
Remove-WUServiceManager Update-WUModule Examples The most important cmdlet is Get-WUInstall . This will be apparent in the examples below Download and install updates from Microsoft Update, then reboot: Get-WUInstall –MicrosoftUpdate –AcceptAll –AutoReboot ...
In the PowerShell window, use the command Get-AppxPackage program name and Remove-AppxPackage and press Enter to remove the target program directly.3. How do I uninstall an exe file in Windows 11?EXE is an extension for executables. There are two ways to uninstall it. First, go to ...
在Windows PowerShell 5.1 中,您必須在提升許可權的 PowerShell 會話中以系統管理員身分執行Update-Help。 在下列範例中,Update-Help下載計算機上安裝之所有模組的PowerShell說明內容。 您應該使用Force參數,以確保您下載最新版本的說明內容。 PowerShell複製