The registry is a set of hierarchical keys – a registry key can have zero, or more sub-keys, and so on. Each key or sub-key can have zero or more value entries. Each value entry has a data type and a data value. Any registry key can have values of any data type. The ...
The options are returned as a string on a single line.PowerShell Copy registry set --key-path HKCU\example --value hello Output Copy Set key_path: HKCU\example, value: hello Options-k, --key-pathSpecifies the registry key path to set. The path must start with a valid hive ...
Set-ExecutionPolicy : Access to the registry key 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWAR E\Microsoft\PowerShell\1\ShellIds\Microsoft.PowerShell' is denied. To change the execution policy for the default (LocalMachine) scope, start Windows PowerShell with the "Run as administrator" option. To change the exe...
当资源使用dsc resource set更新值时,它将返回以下输出: YAML beforeState:$id:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SessionManager\Environment\MyKeyvalueName:MyValuevalueData:Binary...
True (by Property Name) Indicates that you can pipe a value to the parameter, but the .NET Framework type of the parameter must include a property with the same name as the parameter. 例如,仅当值具有名为Name的属性时,才能通过管道将值传递给Name参数。
2.Then simply copy-paste this cmdlet to perform registry manipulation. Of course, you need to modify the registry location and value with your own, in below mentioned code. Set-ItemProperty -Path HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer -Name HideSCAVolume -Value 0 -Forc...
Set-GPPrefRegistryValue "Darren's Technet Policy" -key 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\SDM Software' -ValueName "Path" -Value "2" -Type String -Context Computer -Action Update 此处,Set GPPrefRegistryValue cmdlet 采用创建我"Darren 的 technet 策略"中的注册表策略设置的参数的数目为注册表值 HKEY_LO...
This cmdlet is only available on the Windows platform. The Set-Acl cmdlet changes the security descriptor of a specified item, such as a file or a registry key, to match the values in a security descriptor that you supply. To use Set-Acl, use the Path o
Set-ExecutionPolicy [policy name] 策略名 (3) 运行脚本 运行一个PowerShell脚本,必须键入完整的路径和文件名。例如,你要运行一个名为a.ps1的脚本,可以键入 C:\Scripts\a.ps1。最大的例外是,如果PowerShell脚本文件刚好位于你的系统目录中,那么在命令提示符后直接键入脚本文件名即可运行,如 .\a.ps1 的前面加...
Example 1: Get the value of the ProductID property This command gets the value of theProductIDproperty of the "\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" object in the Windows Registry provider. PowerShell Get-ItemPropertyValue'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion'-NameProductID9425...