We are looking at making some changes to a W10 registry value via the deployment of a PowerShell script using the Intune Management Extension (IME)It's a simple one-liner calling Set-ItemProperty to change a value, but when it runs via the IME it fails stating it cannot find the path....
也可以预先填充凭据变量,并将其传递给Set-RemoteRegistryValue函数的凭据参数。 可将此方法与持续集成/持续部署 (CI/CD) 工具(例如 Jenkins、TeamCity 和 Octopus Deploy)一起使用。 可参阅 Hodge 的博客文章使用 Windows 上的 Jenkins 和 PowerShell 实现自动化 - 第 2 部分来查看使用 Jenkins 的示例。
$RegistryPath='HKCU:\Software\CommunityBlog\Scripts'$Name='Version'$Value='42'New-ItemProperty-Path$RegistryPath-Name$Name-Value$Value-PropertyTypeDWORD-ForceNew-ItemProperty:Cannotfind path'HKCU:\Software\CommunityBlog\Scripts'because it doesnotexist. The script used theNew-ItemPropertyto create...
the inline value.runAsSystem public Boolean runAsSystem() Get the runAsSystem property: If specified, the PowerShell script will be run with elevated privileges using the Local System user. Can only be true when the runElevated field above is set to true. Returns: the runAsS...
PS C:\> Set-ItemProperty -Path HKCU:\Software\hsg -Name newproperty -Value anewvalue Dealing with a missing registry property value If you need to set a registry property value, you can set the value of that property easily by using theSet-ItemPropertycmdlet. But what if the ...
!!! powershell script to add a word in the beginning of the text file - URGENT !!! 'A positional parameter cannot be found that accepts argument '$null'. 'Name' Attribute cannot be modified - owned by the system 'set-acl.exe' not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, 'Set-ExecutionP...
Unrestricted:允许所有的Script运行 我们还可以使用下面的cmdlet命令设置PowerShell的执行策略。 Set-ExecutionPolicy [policy name] 策略名 (3) 运行脚本 运行一个PowerShell脚本,必须键入完整的路径和文件名。例如,你要运行一个名为a.ps1的脚本,可以键入 C:\Scripts\a.ps1。最大的例外是,如果PowerShell脚本文件刚好...
$cert = @(gci cert:\currentuser\my -codesigning)[0] Set-AuthenticodeSignature myscript.ps1 $cert The first part retrieves the first installed code signing certificate (if you have multiple certificates installed and want to use one other than the first, just change the "0" to the appropria...
Setting the default value for the key The previous examples do not set the default value for the newly created registry key. If the registry key already exists (as it does in this specific case), use theSet-Itemcmdlet to assign a default value to the registry key as follows. ...
从非Windows 计算机的 PowerShell 6.0 开始,默认执行策略是Unrestricted无法更改的。Set-ExecutionPolicycmdlet 可用,但 PowerShell 会显示不支持的控制台消息。 执行策略是 PowerShell 安全策略的一部分。 执行策略确定是否可以加载配置文件(例如 PowerShell 配置文件)或运行脚本。 此外,脚本在运行之前是否必须进行数字签名...