Once you have assigned the date and time to a variable, you can use other PowerShell cmdlets to manipulate it. For instance, you can use the AddDays method to add or subtract days from the date. You can also extract the individual components, such as day, month, year, etc., using th...
to subtract however many days we would like. Here we are subtracting 5 days from current date ...
$dateObject1= get-date dateObject1.Subtract(dateObject2) Days :0Hours :0Minutes :-1Seconds :-19Milliseconds :-732Ticks :-797322346TotalDays :-0.000922826789351852TotalHours :-0.0221478429444444TotalMinutes :-1.32887057666667TotalSeconds :-79.7322346TotalMilliseconds :-79732.2346dateObject1.Subtract(dateObject2)....
ToShortTimeString() Returns the time in short format as a string.Note If you need to subtract time from a DateTime variable, use one of the methods for adding time with a negative number as its parameter. An example is $date.AddDays(-60).Next...
creationTime >='2021-11-15'].{saName:name, saID: id, sku: sku.name}" # subtract days and use a variable saDate=$(date +%F -d "-30days") az storage account list --resource-group <msdocs-tutorial-rg-00000000> \ --query "[?creationTime >='$saDate'].{saName:name, saID: id,...
Specifies the value for which this cmdlet adds or subtracts from the current date and time. You can type an adjustment in standard date and time format for your locale or use the Adjust parameter to pass a TimeSpan object from New-TimeSpan to Set-Date. Laienda tabel Type: TimeSpan ...
Numerical values can also be incremented or decremented using ++ or – without having to add or subtract 1 from the value. These two examples have the same effect, increasing the value of the variable by 1: $myNumber = $myNumber + 1 $myNumber++ PowerShell uses the addition operator (...
--- # CalculateSystemUpTimeFromEventLog.ps1 # ed wilson, msft, 9/6/2008 # Creates a system.TimeSpan object to subtract date values # Uses a .NET Framework class, system.collections.sortedlist to sort the events from eventlog. #--- #Requires -version 2.0 Param($NumberOfDays = 30, swi...
Let’s create a date object by typing: PowerShell $d = new-object System.DateTime 2009,11,11 Anything that can be done to a .Net object, can be carried out in PowerShell: PowerShell $d - [System.DateTime]::now Try the following to add some days to the .Net object: Powe...
Going further, how might you determine how much time remains until summer? The following command converts"06/21/2011"(the start of summer) to a date, and then subtracts the current date from that. It stores the result in the$resultvariable, and then accesses theTotalDaysproperty. ...